My Guardian Angel | Angel! Pidge x Reader

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Your alarm brought you out of your deep sleep, forcing you to sit up and turn it off. Refusing to open your eyes you let your hand wander, clumsily knocking a thing or two off of your night stand. Your hand had found its way to your phone that the nagging noise was coming from

You peeled your eyes open and dismissed the racket. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a pile of clothes shift on your floor. Confused, you turned to look at it. The clothing was white and pale-ish green with golden accents by the looks of things, it looked almost royal.

'I don't own anything like that.' you thought, sliding your legs to the side of your mattress and placing your feet on the floor. Getting up, you noticed that there was a body inside the clothes, a small girl with neck length golden-bronze hair and smooth, pale skin. You tip-toed closer and noticed a large pool of blood on the other side of her along with strange feathered mounds protruding from her back.


Panicking, you rushed to the bathroom and grabbed the medical kit from the cabinet. Kit in hand, you hurried back, hoping that this mystery girl wasn't too damaged.

You knelt beside her and searched for the source of the blood, it was beginning to clump at the edge of the feathers on the floor and it was dark in colour. Soon, you found the large rip in her apparel as well as a deep gash on the side of her thigh.

Trying to be as careful as possible, you treated the wound, hearing occasional sounds of discomfort coming from the female.

After wrapping it up and carrying the girl to your bed, you did your best to get the clumps of blood off of her wings and tucked her in. You then sat on the oppersite side of the room, waiting for her to wake up.

(Pidge's P.O.V)

Waking up, the first thing I registered was a sharp pain in my leg. I let out a hiss and pressed my hands to my leg. The second thing I noticed was that I was in a human bed, however, the most important thing in this was the human watching from the corner of the room.

Their hair looked messy, as if they had woken up recently, a bush of (h/l) (h/c) hair. Their bright (e/c) eyes studied my movements cautiously, but curiously, like an animal with a mirror for the first time. Their shoulders raised in a defensive way. I knew I was attached to them but I didn't know why.

"who are you?" they called from the corner, their heavenly voice a mixture of fear and confusion, "and why are you in my house?"

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you." I said as calmly as I could, "my name is Katie, my friends call me Pidge."

"O..kay" Their posture became more relaxed, "I'm (y/n)"

'(y/n)' I thought 'that sounds really familiar' I tried to think of who they may be but as soon as I got close my thoughts were interrupted by the sharp pain in my thigh. I winced as a throb of pain emitted from the wound.

"Would you like a painkiller?" (y/n) asked, their demeanour quickly changed from a defensive one to a caring, almost parental one.


"okay, uh, just a sec" they scurried out of the room, leaving me to think.

'(y/n)....' I looked to the bandages on my leg 'OH (Y/N),' I facepalmed 'of course I couldn't remember, I interacted with the human world.' I heard them walking up the stairs, 'How could I forget someone I've been watching over for 3 years?'

"I got some paracetamol and some water" they said, wandering back in. Handing it to me, I couldn't help but blurt out

"He was going to kill you"

"You what?" They froze

"A man came in late last night, trying to rob you I think. Anyway, he saw you and got a knife out from his pocket." I sat, almost in a trance of spewing the truth. It's a thing with angels, once we start talking words kind of just fall out. "I had to protect you"

(y/n) blinked a couple of times before letting out a long exhale. "Thanks for saving me I guess"

"Heh, it was nothing for a celestial being like myself~" I gloated

"The pain sure seems to be." (y/n) chuckled. Blushing, I swallowed a tablet with water.

"Oh hush." I smirked. Same old (y/n), cracking jokes in even the most perplexing of situations. Silence fell on the two of us until (y/n) spoke up

"I feel like I know you from before"

"Really?" I questioned

"yeah, I don't know, I just feel so at ease with you" They sighed "it's probably nothing"

"I have been protecting you for a long time" I shrugged "It's probably that"

"Stalker." They laughed

"Wa?! no! I was watching over you to keep you from danger"

"hmm... Sounds like something a stalker would say" They smiled

"whatever" I smiled back. Gazing into the pools of (e/c) that was their eyes.


Right okay, hi. First off, request a part two of this if you want one. I've been trying to write a pidge x reader for ages and this was all I could think of. Remember to leave suggestions on the suggestion chapter or by messaging me! I don't bite!  

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