A lonely Christmas | Keith

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A/N: I've had this idea for a while and couldn't wait until Christmas to write and publish it. I may have written this a bit terribly but I wasn't sure how to put the idea into words. Anyway, Enjoy the story.

After being kicked from the garrison, Keith knew that he'd be lonely, as the winter months rolled around he didn't really think about it. The desert didn't seem to get colder than usual and he was mostly distracted with finding whatever was giving off so much energy.

On one of his adventures he came across two kids from the garrison on a bike. He hid behind a rock but couldn't help but listen in on their conversation.

"I can't wait to see my mom, she always loved Christmas"

"same here, My brother doesn't know I'm coming home though. He'll be so exited!"

The two continued to talk about their families as they left. Keith came out of hiding and looked to the ground. For the first time in ages, he had no one. At the garrison he had at least one or two friends to celebrate with and when he was younger the kids at school supported him. He brought his gaze up and turned to face the garrison. It was a small box on the horizon from here but he swore he could hear all of the exited chatter coming from the place.  He sighed and trudged his way back to his small shack. He didn't like to call it a shack (he preferred small wooden house) but let's be realistic, it's a shack. He weakly took of his jacket and dropped it onto the floor. The sun was just setting so he decided to read until he was tired to take his mind off of the crushing feeling of being completely alone. 

~The next day (because I'm lazy)~

Keith cracked his eyes open to the bright light of the sun shining through his window. Grunting, he rolled over and faced the other way and tried to get back to sleep having had a terrible nights sleep. He eventually gave up and peeled the covers off of him, got up and stumbled over to his wardrobe, putting on his usual attire. As he finished pulling his shirt over his head, his eyes locked onto the cat calendar pinned up next to the door. Today was Christmas.

Keith decided to look through some photos he had acquired over the years. Most of them were class and school pictures, He cringed at how stupid he looked in one where he happened to sneeze as the picture was taken. He smiled at one he got at the garrison, one kid, Pidge or something, had hacked the flight simulator so that is took pictures of every failed simulation. Seemed boring at the time but when he delivered print outs of the pictures to the people In them it was brilliant. Keith had only three compared to others piles of at least seven pictures. His favourite was the one where the technician and engineer had somehow got stuck in the wire of the radio (before they got the wireless one) And in the struggle, had pulled Keith while he was holding onto the steer-y thing and it had come off. Everyone just looked shocked at how badly it had gone. The other two just had him Keith shouting at the rest of the team.

His smiled faded as he realised how hostile he had been to everyone. Maybe that was why he was alone on Christmas...

The dusty couch creaked as he sat down and leant his elbows on his knees.He put his head in his hands and tried not to cry. He failed. 'pathetic'  He thought as he leaned back onto the muted blue cushion 'you can't even make one friend and now look, your alone again.'. He felt warm tears slide down the sides of his face 'idiot', he closed his eyes and sleep eventually consumed him.

He didn't know how long he slept, only that it was dark by the time he opened his eyes. He huffed and got up. He walked over to a cupboard in the corner, after rummaging around for a bit he found a box with the word 'Christmas' scrawled across the side in messy black marker. He opened the box and grabbed the decorations, he would not let being alone ruin this Christmas.

After a hour or so, he had finished. Fairy lights danced across various walls and surfaces, tinsel glittered and various ornaments were scattered about. He had placed a miniature Christmas tree on the coffee table along with two cinnamon candles (he loved candles) either side of it. He smiled to himself at his work.

Noticing the drop in temperature (because its night and nights in deserts are cold) He grabbed a nearby blanket and lit the two candles. Snuggling into the couch, he draped the blanket over himself and gazed out the window to the sky. He'd seen this night sky thousands of times but this time was different. The dark night sprinkled with stars seemed to mock him. He sighed and watched the flame of the nearest candle, it wavered with every breath he took but kept burning. Never had Keith felt so isolated.

(883 words)

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