Chapter 37: Separation

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Your POV:

My hands shake as a sob and try and slide the card in the door of our hotel room. Finally I fit the key in its slit and swing the door open. I set the key next to the tv as I begin to gather my things.

I set my suitcase on the bed Grayson and I slept on last night and begin throwing things in hastily. I didn't want Grayson to come back and see me like this. Most of all I didn't want Natalie seeing me like this. She doesn't deserve to have all of this drama surrounding her.

I sigh as I zip up my suit case and lift it up off the bed and set it on the ground. I wipe my face as I pick up my clutch that contains all my cash and my credit card. I have my clutch in one hand and wheel my suitcase in the other.

I glance at myself in the full body mirror before I leave and I know I look pathetic. People probably think the same thing when their eyes land on me.

I wipe some mascara off my cheeks and swing the door open and leave the key inside. I head for the elevator.

I press the lobby button and wait for the elevator to reach the lowest floor. As soon as it reaches the lobby I step out and head for the desk.

Of course no one is sitting behind the computer. I ring the bell and run my hand through my hair. Soon an older lady comes out. She seemed to be about 35 and hated her job.

"Yes?" She ask sitting behind the computer.

"Do you uh happen to have a free room?" I ask lowly.

The lady groans and clicks some things on her computer. "Um we actually have one on floor two." I nod at her letting her know I'll take it.

"How long do you plan on staying?" She ask over the desk.

My heart rates picks up and my brain works a mile a minute. How long do I stay? I never thought this trough. All I thought about the last hour was getting away from Grayson.

"I uh." I stammer.

"It's only available for three days." She says.

"Ok I'll stay three days I guess." I say biting my lip. My flight is scheduled 6 days from now. I have no clue where I'm gonna go the other three. I shrug it off as I hand the lady my card and she charges me and clicks a few more buttons. She moves to the back and comes back with two keys just like she did yesterday. I take the keys from her and head back to the elevator.

I step back into the elevator and click the button for the second floor. I lean up against the back wall and let out a huge sigh. Why does this have to happen to me?

The elevator dings and I step out. Thank god I'm on a different floor than Grayson. I don't want to see him.

I swing my door open and it looks identical to Grayson's. I sigh as I sit my things down and plop onto the bed closest to the window which just looks over the back parking lot.

"Great view." I say to myself and rub my temples in frustration.

Grayson's POV:

(Right after (y/n) left the wedding)

I sigh as I turn on my heels and head back to the venue. I don't know what to do at this point.

I open the door to the venue and the music floods my ears. I sit back down at my table and I'm greeted by Jack, mine and Ethan's friend from high school. "Everything good bro?" He ask raising his eyebrow.

I glance at Natalie and see she's too invested in the music and look at jack and shake my head no. All he does his nod a little and his mouth forms into a line.

I can only take so much more of the wedding and soon I grab Natalie and we leave a little early. I'm sure Ethan won't even notice.

Natalie and I wait outside for the uber and I loosen my tie. "Daddy, why didn't we stay longer?" She ask. "Where's (y/n)?" She ask on top of her other question giving me no time to answer the first one.

"We're leaving the same reason (y/n) did. We have other stuff to do at the hotel." I lie to her not wanting her to worry about mine and (y/n)'s situation.

The uber pulls up and I help Natalie in and I sink down next to her and I tell the uber where to go and soon we're off.

The whole ride back to the hotel I was thinking of ways to explain myself and make things right.

We pull up to the hotel and I carry Natalie all the way to the elevator and then she insist on getting down and pressing the button. I let her down and she presses the "3" button and we both wait as Natalie giggles.

I grab Natalie's hand and lead her to our room. I grab the key out of my wallet and swipe it. I swing the door open and Natalie walks in before me.

I close the door gently behind us and I hear Natalie's small voice. "Daddy (y/n) isn't here."

"Ye-" I'm cut off by seeing there was none of (y/n)'s stuff and she was no where to be seen. My heart begins to beat rapidly. I don't give myself time to think and I dial her number. No answer. I call her three more times. No answer. I go to call Ethan but of course he won't answer. Jack. I dial jacks number and wait for home to pick up.

"Hey dude. Are you ok?" He ask as he picks his phone up.

"Will you come to my hotel? I'll text you where I'm at and what room I'm in." I say flatly.

"Uh yeah sure. I'll be there shortly. What's up?"

"I'll tell you later." I sigh and hang up.

"Who was that daddy?" Natalie ask crawling onto my lap.

"That was jack. He's coming over for a little to have some fun." I say with a forced smile. He's actually coming just to watch Natalie while I try and fix all of this.

Finally updated :)
School has been too much lately so I haven't been able to write.
I'm sorry.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)
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And feel free to talk to me whenever. I know school can be stressful so I'm here for you guys

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