Return of Copper pt.2

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*Evelyn's POV*

The man looked at Steel than towards me, "Steel?! Who is that? Where are you?... Where's Max?!" He shouted, I looked towards Steel, "Forge, This is Evelyn, The source of the Turbo energy you saw." Steel explained, The man who I now know is Forge, looked towards me "Max was right..." Forge mumbled, I saw his mouth move but it was inaudible... I groaned and leaned back on the couch, "What's happening?" Forge questioned, Steel flew next to me, "You're fine Evelyn, We will get you to Copper.." Steel exclaimed Forge's eyes widened "Copper?... You mean there is another Ultralink?!" Forge yelled I nodded "Forge, we think Max, I think Max might be at N-Tek already, You have to find him! Evelyn only has 20 minutes till she explodes." Steel explained, Forge nodded and hung up. I stood up, Steel trying his best to help me. I opened my eyes and Turbo energy flowed from them, "How are you gonna get me to N-Tek?" I questioned, Steel shrugged "I have an idea, so let's just try it." I nodded and followed Steel, He dragged me outside and through alleyways, suddenly we stopped... "Evelyn, Blow turbo energy at that wall!" Steel exclaimed, I nodded and did my best to through the turbo energy at the wall when it hit the wall a car like thing showed up, "15 minutes..." Steel mumbled as we entered it.

*Max's POV*

'Copper' and I were at N-Tek, I tried to find Forge but instead found Berto, "So you are an Ultralink?" Berto questioned before Copper could answer Forge came running up, not noticing me "Berto! Have you see Max-" Forge cut himself off upon seeing me and Copper, I nodded slightly, "Uncles Ferrus, This is Coppe-" Forge interrupted me, "Berto! Prepare for Evelyn's arrival, She has roughly 5 minutes before she explodes and kills us all." I turned to Copper and notice he was closer to the ground and a battery appeared on his face, he was low on power... this is way to close... Suddenly a loud bang went off and I saw someone roll on the ground, "STEEL!" I screamed Steel tried his best to get Evelyn up, I looked her in the eyes and saw her turbo energy, Red... Red turbo energy?... Copper, flew right at Evelyn, he quickly linked up with her, Forge sighed and went up to Evelyn. Copper de-linked and flew towards Steel, They seemed to be talking to one another, I kept watching Evelyn and Forge. Forge helped her up and hugged her, my eyes widened, Forge.. hugging a random person?...

After a while, Forge and Evelyn joined us, she looked like she was on the verge of crying... She looked up at me and smiled softly "Hey, Max.." she whispered, I smiled "Hey, Evelyn..." I mumbled It was awkward... Till Forge spoke up, "Max, Evelyn is going to stay with you at your apartment, DON'T tell your mom, Got it, Max?" Forge exclaimed I nodded "Yes Uncle Ferrus." I scuffed, I turned to Evelyn "Max, Keep her by your side at ALL costs. You have to protect her, Got it?" I nodded at what Forge said, I pat Evelyn on the shoulder, our turbo energy combined Berto's eyes widened when he saw red turbo energy, "Lo Siento Evelyn... But were the Vita's your parents?" Berto questioned, I looked towards and saw her eyes filled with tears, she pulled away from me her energy leaving, I fell to the ground feeling almost weak. "Max?! Are you alright?" Forge questioned, I nodded "I'm fine, that just felt weird..." I muttered Steel flew towards me "Well considering you were basically sharing an energy like field, that makes sense Max." Steel exclaimed, Forge turned to Berto "You shouldn't have said that Berto." Forge exclaimed as he walked away, Berto following close behind. "Come on Max, We gotta go with Evelyn." Steel said flying after her, I nodded and silently followed as my mind wandered to why she acted like that and why I felt weak after that.

~_~_~Time Skip~_~_~

 *Evelyn's POV*

Max led me to his apartment, Once we entered I had pretended nothing happened this morning with Berto mentioning my parents, "This is a nice place you have Max," I exclaimed, I walked into the living room and Max's mom came out and saw me, "Ah, Evelyn! I just got the guest room finished" Max's mom exclaimed, she walked up to me and hugged me "I'm Molly, and Don't worry! I'll take care of you till we can find your parents!" Molly exclaimed, I turned to Max and he shrugged and mouthed 'Forge' Steel was flying around while Copper had to hide behind Max, "Max, Shouldn't Steel be hiding?" She muttered, She tried to make it so I couldn't hear her, but she failed at that... "Mom It's fine, Evelyn knows and you said that really loud..." Max explained, I laughed and turned to Max smiling, He looked sad about something, I couldn't tell what at first, suddenly I realized, "I'll tell you everything, soon Max... I promise," I exclaimed walking into the guest room, I heard Molly shout that she had to go and I sighed, Copper came into my room "Max just wants to help Evelyn, Maybe you should tell him..." Copper said while looking around my new room, "How about, Flight mode." I exclaimed, Copper sighed and linked up to me locking me in it, he de-linked I smiled "Thanks, Buddy" I exclaimed, I flew out the window breaking it and heading to The Canyons. "Oops.." I mumbled as I flew away from the building.

~_~_~Time Skip~_~_~

I was away from the city at this point, my eyes had turbo energy flowing from them. I groaned as I was hit by something, I went and collided with the ground, I pulled myself up and sat on a rock "Copper, I've been shot down from the sky, I don't know who or what" I exclaimed I waited for an answer, I looked around watching to make sure no one came, Evelyn, I've told Max we are on our way! Hang tight!! I sighed, I kicked the sand. "Evelyn Vita" I froze hearing that name, No... I turned to who had said my name, I couldn't move I tried to back away as he came closer. He smirked evilly walking towards me, "Evelyn Vita, Your parents died in a lab explosion trying to save you, their daughter, but it was too late and you gained a special turbo-energy because of them." He explained "I'm Jason Naught and I'm here to help you" He held out his hand and grabbed mine, I tried moving away but I couldn't suddenly his bots had grabbed a hold of me and started dragging me to the ship, I had closed my eyes and opened them seeing Max and Copper flying towards us "MAX!" I screamed, they threw me in the back of the ship "EVELYN!!! NO" Max screamed, he started going faster right as the ship took off.

*Max's POV*

"EVELYN!" I screamed as the ship disappeared, I floated in the air holding Copper back "We need to get to N-Tek.." I muttered, Copper looked at me like I was insane "No! We need to get Evelyn! She's in danger!!" Copper exclaimed and tried flying after her, "You do that and you both won't be coming back" I explained, We flew back to N-Tek I landed and my helmet disappeared, I ran and looked for Forge, "Berto! Have you seen Forge!" I yelled Berto shook his head no. Copper flew straight into Forge, "Why are you two in a rush?" Forge questioned and looked at all three of us, "Where is Evelyn, Max?" Forge questioned, I looked at the ground. "Naught took her, Forge." I exclaimed Forge's eyes widened he turned away not saying anything then took a breathe, "CODE 597!" He yelled an alarm went off as people started running everywhere. I turned to Berto and he shrugged slightly and sighed "Well, find her.." Berto exclaimed I walked towards Forge... "I'll save you Evelyn.," I mumbled sightly walking towards everyone

*Evelyn's POV*

I opened my eyes, everything was hazy I don't remember what had happened... I looked around lifting my head barely, "Ah, Welcome, Evelyn Vita!" Naught exclaimed, "you're gonna meet Dredd once he is full of YOUR turbo energy... Then he's gonna kill Max Steel." I screamed, more turbo energy flowing through my body. Naught laughed evilly as it was being drained from my body, my vision became full of darkness, "M-Max.." I mumbled, Naught laughed His laughed was far as it became closer to me, I whined softly Max... Please save me.... I-I'm scared... My head rolled to the side as I lost my vision and my conscious left me.....

Hello! Here is another re-written part! I will be publishing the next chapter later tonight or early tomorrow because I have stuff that I have to do tonight! Sorry guys! I hope it will be up tonight but we will see, I will also re-write parts of chapter three. See you later guys! ~Vixen


Word Count: 1549

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