Hard Water Pt.2

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*Max's POV*

Berto walked back into the training room, I looked towards Steel and he shrugged, "I can't locate Copper, Max." Steel exclaimed I tilted my head "Hey Berto! Where is Evelyn?" I questioned, Berto's head jerked towards me. "Uh, Lo Siento Max but Forge located Evelyn to a different N-Tek facility." Berto Explained, I looked towards Steel. Why would forge do that? We need all the help we can get...  I looked towards Steel and he shrugged, "Come on Max, Let's go look for them." Steel mumbled looking towards the door, I nodded "She couldn't have gotten far." I exclaimed We ran out of the training room and started looking around N-Tek, "She has got to be around here somewhere-" Steel exclaimed, an explanation mark appearing on his face, "What is it Steel?" I questioned, Steel turned to me and then quickly floated to a wall. "I don't know Max, I'm picking something strange up..." Steel exclaimed

~_~_~Time Skip~_~_~

 I walked out of the hallway and there was the one and only Berto. "Max! I'm so glad I found you!!" Berto put his hand on my shoulder, something wasn't right...  "I need you to go to these coordinates and grab the item there."  Berto looked over his shoulder, "Lo Siento Max, I can't explain yet, GO!" Berto yelled, I turned to Steel and nodded "Let's GO TURBO, Flight!" I yelled, Once in flight mode, I took off and left N-Tek, Something was definitely wrong, but what?...  Max, I wonder if this has something to do with forge? While flying to the coordinates Steel interrupted my thoughts, "What about Forge? He seems fine to me." I exclaimed taking a sharp turn so I wouldn't miss where we were heading, He's been acting weird, Max. After Evelyn was caught he had her on the bench, But with you, he started training you, and I can only assume that Berto showed Forge what happened with your Turbo energy... 

I stopped in mid-air, "What happened with our Turbo energy, Steel?.." I muttered, Before Steel could answer water came and hit us from the sky, we slammed into the ground. I groaned and looked around. Nothing, "MAX LOOK OUT!" Steel shouted, He de-linked and started firing his little lasers at Water Elementor, My eyes widened. Why now?... I stood up quickly, I started running from Elementor. "LET'S GO TURBO, STRENGTH!" I yelled, coming to a stop and pivoting to face Elementor, Steel linked up and we were in strength mode, I glared at Elementor "Steel we need to take care of him so we can save Evelyn.." I exclaimed, Elementor walked forward making a fist, "Soon... Evelyn will be in the hands of the Ultra-Links..." He mumbled I took a step back. "No! She's at N-Tek, She is fine!" I yelled, Elementor just laughed. "You really didn't notice?... Evelyn is being handed off as we speak, from 'Forge' to Fire and Earth Elementor." He gurgled 

I stumbled back, "What?... No" I mumbled, Steel flew to Max "Come on Max, Let's beat him so we can save Evelyn!" Steel exclaimed I shook my head no, "LET'S GO TURBO, FLIGHT!" I screamed, Steel was confused but did it, "We have to go to Evelyn!" I exclaimed. We took off and headed for N-Tek, Water Elementor shot water at me but I didn't care, I had to get to Evelyn. Max, What are you doing? We need to make sure Elementor doesn't escape!  I shook my head, "Steel, We can't wait or we lose Evelyn AND Forge." I explained and I flew as fast I could. 

Upon arriving at N-Tek, Fire and Earth Elementor where outside about to take Evelyn, Forge was with them "STOP!" I screamed, I landed on the ground and faced the Elementors that held both Evelyn and Copper, "MAX!" Evelyn tried to scream only to have her mouth covered by Forge. "What are you doing?!" I screamed, I pulled out Steel and shot Turbo at Forge. Forge disappeared, completely. My eyes widened, Where is Forge?!  I flew to Evelyn picking her up and bringing her to the N-Tek Doors, Berto grabbed a hold of her. "Max! Get Copper!" Berto screamed, I nodded and flew straight at Elementor. "LET'S GO TURBO, STRENGTH" I yelled, I went ramming into Earth Elementor freeing Copper, He instantly flew to Evelyn and linked up with her. Berto brought her inside N-Tek, N-Tek agents starting flooding out to help me with Elementor.

After ten minutes of getting my butt kicked, Elementors took their leave. I sighed and looking into N-Tek, I ran to the door. Steel Un-linked and I want into camouflage mode, Once inside there was Evelyn, Berto, Copper and Uncle Ferrus! I ran to Forge and hugged him, "You're okay!" I exclaimed he laughed silently, "Yea, Thank's to Berto and being able to track me," Forge said patting Berto on the shoulder, "I'm not sure what that Forge was made of, But it was gone once Max hit it, So we should be fine." Berto explained, Evelyn rubbed her arms I turned to her and hugged her without thinking, "Ah... Sorry, Evelyn.." I mumbled, Steel hit me slightly on the head "Ow! What was that for you toaster!" I exclaimed, Evelyn laughed as Copper flew over her shoulder. 

*Evelyn's POV*

I laughed at Max and Steel, I'm glad Berto was able to get Max's help and save me before. Whatever was happening happened, I'm not sure... But... Max hugged me, Heh I felt our Turbo energy combined, I'm never gonna get used to that... Evelyn, Your heart is beating rapidly, calm down. I turned to Copper and I smiled grabbing the silly Ultralink "Hey! Let me go!" Copper shouted trying to wiggle free, Everyone turned to me and Copper. The New Turbo Team, I laughed and spun him around before jumping in the air and landing, "Really, Evelyn? Really?" Copper mumbled rubbing his head, I chuckled "Of Course!" I looked at Max and smiled slightly, Something about this boy, I'm sure what... but I like it. "Berto! I wanna see what you showed that thing." Forge exclaimed, Berto nodded and followed Forge as he walked away from Max and me, "I just hope I'm not put in a cage again..." I mumble, Max hit me lightly on the arm. "Not gonna let that happen, Eve" Max exclaimed walking away smiling, I didn't move I felt frozen. What is this feeling?... I looked at the ceiling and sighed dreamingly, Copper laughed "I think you know what this feeling is." Copper explained I blushed slightly, "No! I doubt that!" I exclaimed and we started heading to Max's apartment.

Here Is Hard Water Part 2! Sorry, it took so long!! I have been busy dealing with some... stuff, Anywho! So The next part will come out on Saturday so I hope you are ready to find out what happens next time! Till then! Enjoy!! ~Vixen


Word Count: 1177

*Forge's POV*

Berto and I sat in my office, I watched the video he took. "Well... They know the truth now.." I mumbled This can't be happening, She told Jim and me to keep this small and silent... No wonder they tried taking Evelyn Berto looked at me, "Berto... We are in a lot of trouble now... I assume whatever saw this video... Knows the truth.." I exclaimed Berto's eyes widened, "The Truth?.." He questioned, I put my fist on the table and looked towards my computer, "This... Is just the start of it all, and Max and Evelyn are right in the dead center.." I mutter, I stood up and slammed my hand on the desk, Berto Jumped "I'll fix this, Se'ma.." I muttered silently....

Word Count: 1304

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