Scars Pt.1

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Just a fair warning, there is some harm and such like that in this episode. 

*Evelyn's POV*

I woke from what seemed like a dream. There is no way... That couldn't have happened,  Elementor showing up randomly... I tried to move, no luck. My body was tied down to some sort of table... I turned to my left to see Max also tied up, I sighed happily knowing he was nearby it was comforting... What happened wasn't a dream, I should've known that it wasn't a dream... I looked around trying to decipher where we were taken, it looked so... familiar... I heard a low laughed, I realized where I was, where WE were... By the time I noticed what had looked so familiar, Dredd came out of the shadows. "Look who we have here, both Turbo energy holders. Max Steel and from what I have heard Covalyn..." He walked towards me, his mask covering his face, but I bet he was smiling. Dredd, he probably thinks he won, that nothing can save us now... "You've never met me alone, have you? I'm your worst nightmare..." Dredd exclaimed I whimpered as he held up his arms, having his hands raised to my height. My turbo energy flowing into his hands so quickly, it was like he was taking it all. I felt my body become weak, he put his hands down and headed to the window to look into, looked like the town... but it wasn't at... I groaned forgetting what I was thinking, This is bad... I heard someone groan, I looked at Max as he was waking up "Ah, Max Steel I'm glad you could join us." Dredd exclaimed walking towards Max, While passing me he took some of my turbo energy. I groaned and just laid my head on the bed or whatever I was on, "So, Max Steel mind telling me who you are? If you don't you aren't likely to get out of here, Alive anyway." Dredd laughed, I shifted my weight trying to get out of this place. 

"Awe, come on Max Steel answer me or maybe I should ask this? Who are your parents, Max?" Dredd questioned, I gasped and held my breath Max just turned his head ignoring Dredd. I looked towards my chest, no sign of Copper... I turned to Max, No sign of Steel either. where the hell are they? "What? Cat got your tongue Max Steel? Fine, Who are you? What's your name?" Dredd questioned, he had his hand around Max's face. I kept my eyes on them, Dredd was going to pay for all of this I swear.... Dredd scuffed and walked to me "Fine, Max Steel then I'll have a 'chat' with Covalyn..." Dredd put his hand on my neck and rubbed it, I whined softly "So, Vita..." I gasped and felt tears start to fall, no... No please, I haven't told Max... "I know all about you and your family. How you were tested on when you were little, and how you were born with this turbo energy, and how people merged red turbo energy into you. did you know that it's more powerful than regular energy?" Dredd never stopped talking, It's like he wants me to get pissed "Well, Max, Covalyn. Did you know that I Miles Dredd planned the death of Jim McGrath AND Sydney and James Vita?! I'm surprised their daughter is still alive AND came to Copper Canyon..."

Max shook trying to break free, "You SOB, I'm gonna kill you! I swear!" Max screamed, I looked around the room trying to find something, anything to where Steel and Copper went. Dredd walked over to me and grabbed my helmet, "Threaten me again Max Steel and I will hurt her in ways she has never experienced." I closed my eyes and sighed softly, N-Tek has to be getting here soon right? They have to have Copper and Steel....

*Copper's POV* 

"Steel! Steel!" I flew around in a little cage like thing, not really sure on what it was. "Copper! I'm up here!" Steel exclaimed I looked up and to my surprise, Steel was above me in another cage like thing. "Max, and Evelyn?" Steel questioned, "Probably with Dredd.." I muttered, Steel looked around before getting an exclamation mark on his face. Steel pulled up a screen and called Forge, luckily for us it worked. Forge answered the call confusion on his face which was expected, "Forge we have a very big issue!" Steel exclaimed, "Max and Evelyn are with Dredd and we are locked in cages!" Forge frowned, "Why couldn't you just stay at N-Tek?!" I shrugged, "Look we are tracking your location right now, and we've got it!" Forge exclaimed shouting "Sit tight we are coming in for an ambush!" The call went dead, I looked up to Steel "We just got to hope that Max and Evelyn can last that long..." Steel mumbled, I agreed softly.

*Max's POV*

I stared at Evelyn and Dredd, It was like he was trying to make me angry. Dredd raised his hands and laughed draining Eve's turbo energy from her, "Let her go Dredd!" I yelled staring at Evelyn, she's been through enough. "Ooooh, does someone have a crush on miss Covalyn?" Dredd questioned, he smirked slightly undoing Evelyn's cuffs and picked her up. He threw Evelyn across the room she screeched slightly "LEAVE HER ALONE!" I yelled as loud as I could, I shifted on the table trying to get to Evelyn, "So you do like her?" Dredd questioned getting ready to attack her again, "No... She's just my partner" I exclaimed before Dredd could say anything else a large boom went off in the building, I closed my eyes at the sound of it.

"N-Tek!" growled Dredd, he left the room leaving Evelyn by the wall another boom went off. The room we were in had a large hole in it now, Steel and Copper flew in and linked up to both of us. "Forge! Cov is in bad shape!" Copper exclaimed, Forge, walked in and saw her on the ground "Let's get her out of here before Dredd comes back!" Forge walked over to Evelyn and picked her up. "Max, let's go!" I nodded and jumped out of the hole in the wall, Forge jumped out not long after. 

Copper un-linked from Evelyn and took her helmet off, her face had markings and blood all over her face. "She needs medical attention instantly!" Forge yelled I grabbed her hand making sure no one notice. The car took off towards N-Tek leaving behind Elemntor, Dredd and anyone else who wanted to hurt us. "Max, Steel What did Dredd tell you?" I didn't answer of look to Forge, "Alright. I'll ask later..." The rest of the ride was silent and no one spoke a word, I looked out the window and saw N-Tek come into view, I closed my eyes and laid my head on Evelyn's stomach without realizing it.

Alright so this probably isn't the best chapter I've written but I haven't gotten and idea's for this story, I plan to keep writing this story but know I might bounce to another story while I try and get more idea's for chapters and such, I hope you all understand until then! See you in the next chapter!!!!

Word Count: 1221

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