Acid Flavor Pt. 1

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*Berto's POV*

After Forge muttered, that strange name he's been acting weird. Today Max and Evelyn were coming to N-Tek for more training, Evelyn is expected to go out into the field soon. I had to make sure she was going to be ready for the field, After the Forge incident... We realized why she was kept at home, They wanted her and Max's Turbo to do whatever it does...  We still haven't been able to figure it out... "Berto! Do you have training ready? They will be here shortly." Forge explained, "Oh, Lo Siento Forge... I got lost in thought, I'll finish getting it ready." I exclaimed I worked quickly to get the training room ready, Not long after I had finished getting it ready. "Hey, Berto!" Eve exclaimed She walked towards me and high-fived me, I pointed to the middle, "Let's go you guys, Evelyn you need to start to get ready to go into the field." I exclaimed, she nodded and looked at Copper, "Let's go, Copper!" Copper linked up with Evelyn and they went to the middle room.

*Evelyn's POV*

Once we got into the middle of the training room, I stared at Berto and Copper put me into flight mode. I smiled slightly as CYTRO bots came into, my eyes widened "Um. What do I do?" I shrugged, Max looked at me and he pointed to the bots "Fight them!" Max yelled, I nodded and flew up, I flew straight at the bots and started fighting them. One hit me into the wall, I groaned but stood up and flew towards the bot, I punched the bot and went through it. I landed and turned to Berto, He looked sad. "I'm sorry Berto.," I exclaimed, Berto just raised his shoulders, "It's fine Eve." I nodded and Flew out of N-Tek, I started heading to the apartment. On my way there, I was hit into the street. My eyes widened, I groaned as Copper de-linked "Eve!" He scanned my body for injuries, people started looking at me and Copper, I looked at them my helmet on still. "Copper.... I think we've been noticed.." I mumbled, Copper quickly linked up with me, I turned around and saw an acid guy land? "Copper.... Who is that?" I questioned as I slowly backed up, "You aren't Max Steel!" The man whined, " But maybe you bring Max to Me..." I took Copper out and held onto him "Turbo blast, in 3...2...1.." I exclaimed as we sent turbo energy straight towards the man, he got blasted back, "No one hurt's TOXZON" He screamed like his life depended on it, "No wonder he has bad breath..." I mumbled, I hovered in the air and flew towards him, I collided with his side and was instantly pushed back.

"You can't hurt me! I'm here to acidic your life!" Toxzon screamed, I struggled and tried to push myself up. "Evelyn, get up," Copper exclaimed, I finally pushed myself up Copper de-linked and started shooting at Toxzon, I fell back to the ground "Evelyn, you can do this! I'm calling Max Steel in now!" Copper yelled Toxzon laughed "Yes, bring Max Steel here!!!" Toxzon giggled, I gasped and forced myself up, "Copper! Strength!" I screamed, Copper linked up putting me in strength I charged at Toxzon and punched him, "You aren't getting Max Steel today" I heard people shouting for me to defeat Toxzon, I hit Toxzon towards a sewer and he growled, "I'll get Max one way..." He went down into it and left me alone on the streets, Well not alone... People surrounded me right when N-Tek showed, Copper De-linked I became normally sized but still had my helmet on, "Who are you?! Are you related to Max Steel?!" The News reported started questioning me, I paused and panicked but took a deep breath seeing Max flying nearby, I smiled in my helmet "My name is Covalyn, and I'm not related to Max Steel" I answered, I nodded and looked at Copper, He linked up and put me in flight mode "You've heard it here first folks! Now we have Max Steel and Covalyn protecting Copper Canyon!" The Newsperson explained, I flew off and headed for N-Tek, They weren't far behind.

~_~_~Time Skip~_~_~

I walked into N-Tek, "Evelyn?! What were you thinking?!" Forge screamed, Max ran into the room Berto following close behind, "I was protecting Max, Forge! Toxzon wanted to get to him!" I exclaimed pointing at Max, Forge shook his head, "Evelyn, You can't do that you just got into the field! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" Forge questioned, I shook my head. "Of course not! I just... I wanted to protect Max." I explained once more, but this time... My turbo connected with Max's right in front of Forge's base team, my eyes widened... I tried to break the connection but it stayed, Copper, flew to Steel "What the hell is that?" Kat questioned, she put her hand in the connection of turbo energy, nothing happened. I groaned, Berto noticed my body becoming weak along with Max's "Aye! we need to break this connection!!!" Berto screamed, I fell to the floor Max following suit, my eyes became hazy but I could notice Berto picked me up and took me away from Max, Finally, our turbo energy connection broke. 

I opened my eyes slowly, "B-Berto?.." I mumbled, he turned to me I was in the medical bay, well one of them "Eve! I'm glad you are up, I have some bad news." Berto exclaimed I tilted my head "What do you mean?" I questioned, Berto pulled up a screen that showed what had happened when our turbo energy connected, "It seems that if you are even remotely close right now your energy seems to connect and almost, drain your life force it seems..." Berto explained, I gasped and looked at the ground. "But, I live with Max and I got to school with him! He's my best friend!" I screamed, I stood up turbo energy flowing from my eyes "Evelyn, calm down!" Berto exclaimed Berto, put his arms on my shoulder. "Evelyn, I'll figure this out... I promise" I nodded at his words, I looked him in the face, tears going down my cheek, "I can't not see him Berto.." I muttered Berto nodded "You'll have to stay here till then Eve.." Berto exclaimed, "Lo Siento.." I looked out the bay and saw Max and Steel leaving, I feel to the floor, My only friends and now I'm losing them for a while... This can't be happening.... "Please... Berto tell me this isn't happening!" I screamed, Copper just looked at me with sadness, Berto trying his hardest not to cry, This is just the start...

Whoop, So I was gonna have this done yesterday technically but um... I started doing karaoke sooo xD anyway here it is, I hope you enjoy and are excited for Tuesdays! Soon I will start not having it be in parts, maybe! anyway, I hope you all enjoy!!! See you next time!~ Vixen

Word Count: 1179 

*Berto's POV*

I looked at Evelyn as she wept, Max and Steel were leaving N-Tek and once again she probably felt trapped, I hugged her from behind. I'm like her older brother, that's what we talked about, I'm practically the only family she has left... She turned and buried her head in my chest "Lo Siento Eve.... I'll try to fix this soon... I promise." I exclaimed, she nodded and fell asleep pretty quickly, I laid her on the medical bed and started working on what has happened,  and how I could probably fix this... If I even can.. I have to try... for Evelyn... Whose like my sister...

Word count: 1290

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