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*Evelyn's POV*

It's been weeks since Max and Sydney were taken by Toxzon, I've been worried about a lot of things. Like how did Toxzon know who I am? That I'm Evelyn?... Whatever, What I have to do right now is go to science, You alright Evelyn? you seem down. I sighed and walked into my science class, I sat next to Butch being it was the only spot open. I quickly sat in the seat, I turned and saw Max and Sydney sitting next to each other. They weren't talking, I don't blame them but they were going to work together for a project in this class. They had talked about what they were gonna do for the project before we even got to choose our partners. Mr. Thornhill was writing on the whiteboard when he turned to face our class, "Who you are sitting by is who you are working with on this project, that's final no switching seats and no asking to switch partners" I gasped and turned to Butch, he smiled and winked. I groaned and hit my head on the desk, What's the matter, Evelyn? It won't be that bad... I don't think I sighed and turned towards Butch, "So what should we do for our project, Evel?" He questioned, I glared at him "Don't call me that." I exclaimed, he laughed. I turned to my notebook on my desk, I was about to put it in my backpack so that Butch can't see anything, I especially don't want him to see the drawing of me and Max's energy combining... I didn't draw Max as Max Steel, I picked it up but when I did that Butch snatched it from my hands "Hey! Give that back!" I screamed, Thornhill just shook his head ignoring that Butch took it from me. 

I stood up trying to grab my notebook, what does Butch do? He stands up and holds it up higher, but he opens it, he flips right to the page with the drawing. "NO! DON'T LOOK" I yell, Butch looked at it and laughs holding the page, he turns it around so everyone can see it, "Evelyn's got a crush on Max McGrath!" Butch exclaimed, My eyes widened. I looked at everyone, their eyes glaring at me like a hawk staring at their prey. "Butch! That was not needed!" Thornhill exclaimed, I froze, this CAN'T be happening... Evelyn... I felt tears flow from my eyes, I jumped up grabbing my notebook my turbo energy fueling me. Once I had my notebook I grabbed my backpack and ran out of the science room. I heard someone tailing after me, I didn't care I wanted to be alone. I wanted to cry and think, I don't like Max... I mean, I don't think I like Max, not like that... I walked out of the school, no longer running. Evelyn, are you alright? "No, I'm not okay Copper." I exclaimed I heard someone finally catch up to me "Whose Copper?" The man questioned, "No one, It's my watch Sending a message to my mom." I exclaimed turning around, I was met face to face with none other than Butch... 

"Look, I'm sorry Evelyn." He exclaimed, "I didn't mean to make you feel like this, but I have to keep my friends thinking that I'm the bully... you know?"  I glared at him, I held my backpack closer to my body, "No, Butch I don't know. Why in the hell would I know!? A small silly little girl who thought this school would be a fresh start when in reality it's just ruined my fucking life." I yelled I had tears falling to the ground. I didn't realize how mad I was till I swore, I took a deep breath, "Hey... Evelyn, why don't we go work on the project?... If we do we can finish the project soon and you won't have to see me again." Butch explained, he rubbed the back of his neck. I smiled softly, "Fine... Only because I want to finish this project." I exclaimed, He nodded and we headed to the apartment, I just hope I can tough it out and not freak out...

Once we arrived at the apartment, we walked in and sat on the couch. I took out my notebook for the class and handed Butch an unused notebook, we started working on our project. About an hour into working on the project, I heard someone coming to the apartment. It was either Max or Molly, Probably Max considering the school day is over. "Hey, Evelyn wouldn't it be better to put this here instead?" Butch questioned, I regained my lost thoughts and looked at what Butch was talking about "Yeah it would." I exclaimed smiling, I heard the door open to the apartment, I heard someone well. I didn't hear any footsteps, I turned and saw Max. "What the fuck, are you doing here Butch?!" Max exclaimed, My mouth opened wide I've never heard Max swear before Woah, someone woke the bear, huh Evelyn I stood up and made sure Butch didn't get up, "Max he's my lab partner.." I explained, Max's Gaze stayed one Butch. Nobody said anything for the longest time when Butch stood up and just walked out the door. "Wait! Butch?!" I tried to run after Buch but Max put his arm in front of me, Copper and Steel both flew out of hiding and looked at both me and Max. "Max, Let me go!" I scuffed trying to wiggle my way out of his grip, "Evelyn... We need to talk... about the thing.." Max exclaimed, Thing?! The thing... I stepped back, I stared into Max's Eyes.

"Thing?... Just a thing?.." I muttered I looked towards the ground. "I can't believe you, Max McGrath! First, you kiss me like your life depended on it, then you go back to your girlfriend like we never kissed! Then you call the kiss a Thing I can't believe you! Plus you let that bitch call me a vixen! It was like she has never sworn before!" I finally took a breath, when I rant I tend to not take breaths till I need it. "Evelyn I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you..." Max exclaimed, I shook my head no, I can't deal with this. I can but I don't want to... I grabbed Copper and walked out the door, Max tried to stop me but my turbo energy blasted him back before he could grab a hold of me. I ran out to the park, I sat on the bench at the park. Copper flew and floated next to me, "I'm sorry Evelyn, seems humans aren't the smartest.." Copper explained, I laughed "I  mean, Yeah we really aren't..." I exclaimed, Copper chuckled and poked me "Hey, I'm always here for you Eve!" He exclaimed, I smiled and nodded "I know Copper..." I mumbled looking at the sky

*Max's POV*

I sat on the couch, Steel was hovering next to me "Max, you are so stupid." Steel exclaimed I shook my head slightly, "Thanks for telling me something I already know" I scuffed, Steel shrugged I looked out the window. "I didn't mean to say a thing or to even let anything happened that did happen. Steel what am I doing?" I questioned, I buried my head in my hand, "Well for one you aren't going after Evelyn." Steel answered I perked up from my shame "Where is she Steel?" I asked standing straight up, I need to see her and fix everything that happened. "She's at the park, Copper just told me." Steel explained, I nodded and Steel Linked up with me I ran towards the park, I hope I can fix everything... At least fix the mess I just made... I walked around the park trying to figure out what bench she was on, where she was hiding. I saw her hair, Her black with red highlights almost.... It was so beautiful and I've thought that ever since I saw her. I shook my head, focusing on Evelyn who was so close to me, I walked towards her. I sat next to her on the bench

 "M-Max?! What are you doing here?" She questioned, she started wiping her tears from her face I grabbed her hand to stop her, "Evelyn... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, please know I'm telling the truth.." I mumbled It was so quiet I was afraid she didn't hear me. "Max... I, I don't know what came over me... I'm sorry.. You are my best friend, and I've just felt so alone recently..." She apologizes, I gasped why is she apologizing? "Evelyn, Don't apologize, you've done nothing wrong... and even if we fight you know I'm here for you... right?" I explained, she nodded softly. I wiped the remaining tears off her face, I looked to the sky my arm around Evelyn. We sat there for a while, Evelyn's head on my chest and my arm around her, we both stared at the sky. "Max, Where do you think turbo energy is from?" Eve questioned, I tilted my head still looking at the stars in the sky, "I'm not sure Eve.... Maybe from a different planet?" I answered she took a deep breath "So... We are aliens?" She exclaimed I looked down at her I noticed she was looking at me "No... I mean it probably fell from space into the earth, or something" I mumbled, I started playing with her hair, everything was going great... Till.... "Max, Evelyn a large unnoticed storm approaching rather quickly" Copper explained, I sighed, of course... 

Before we could even get up it started to rain heavily, we both groaned Steel and Copper both linked up with us to avoid the rain "I can't believe you two." I scuffed, they both chuckled as Evelyn and I ran to get cover from the rain. Luckily for us, there was a building with a tent like fabric that came out of the building, Man I love movie theaters... I had Evelyn in a hug to warm her up once we were under it, Everything seemed to move in slow motion... It was amazing, I started to move closer to her face, I wanted to kiss her so badly... I was an inch away from her lips when we both heard a low growl, In an instant Copper and Steel put us both in our suits so no one would know it was us, once we were inside the suits, we both turned to see what had growled, I put Evelyn behind me once I saw what it was. Elementor... It didn't help with anything, he grabbed me in one hand and Evelyn in the other. Once he did that he growled and Hit Evelyn against the wall, she was out cold. Next thing I saw was a wall hitting my face, then darkness...

Hehe, This is one of the longest chapters I have done. It is really helpful that in school I have a lot of free periods now. Anyway if you guys have any tips or want to ask questions, I promise I don't bite, and as you can see it's starting to move more into the mature type of story, and I hope that you are fine with that because as much as I love the show for being more for a "child" I like to have some 'mature' content, I hope you are excited about the next chapter, I'm thinking this book will end soon, yes there will be another book! Hope you have all had a good day! Bye! for now,>:3 ~Vixen

Word Count: 1950

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