Secrets Pt.2

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*Evelyn's POV*

We were standing in the lunch room, Everyone surrounding Butch. They Believed he pulled Syd out of the fire, Maybe I should've left him. Buttt I can't. "I can't believe they think It was Butch who saved Syd.." Max groaned I looked towards Max to agree. "You are just overreacting, No one thinks that HE is a hero. They just don't know who-" Steel exclaimed before someone spoke, "Can I have your Autograph, Mr. Butch!?" The girl waved the paper approaching Butch, I shook my head. "Hey, My dad is Mr. Butch, So you can call me Mr. Hero!" Butch stated almost yelling a bit, Man is he annoying... "Guys, We have a bigger issue. When Evelyn and I were leaving the school, I was able to find out the fire was no accident." Copper stated making sure no one heard or saw him. "So someone set it?" Steel questioned running his own tests, "Someone set it" Steel exclaimed an Explanation mark appearing on his face. Max said Oh no, Copper and I looked at what he pointed at, Sydney was sitting by Butch... "Really Max?" I mumbled

Max walked towards Butch, I quickly followed. "Oh, Heeey McGrath!" Butch exclaimed smirking, He winked at me once he saw me follow Max. "What? Want an autograph, Lock of my amazing hair? Or just to annoy these pretty woman?." I groaned and shook my head, "Sydney? Whatya doing?..." Max question, I hit him on the arm slightly. "I'm sitting, and eating lunch with Butch," Syd exclaimed tapping her hand. Max was obviously jealous, "Don't we... uh... normally have lunch together?" Max scratched the back of his head. I looked down and saw Steel hitting Max on the leg, I titled my head slightly. "I don't believe you aren't catching on McGrath, These girls want someone stronger than you," Butch exclaimed rolling his eyes at Max. Butch stood up since Max wouldn't move and pushed him down, I Stood up and kneeled by Max. "Are you Alright-" I was cut off by a Gas bomb going off, Kids all around us started falling asleep. "We need to go turbo," Steel exclaimed as Max nodded, The two quickly went turbo. Copper flew in front of me and I just nodded, we linked up so I wouldn't get affected by the gas. Max and I walked around trying to find out what was going on.

We heard loud clanks, we turned our attention to them. "Woah, what's going on here?" Max question, I looked at the robots walking through the gas. Finally, they reached their target, "Wait; Hold up, These bots are after Butch?" I questioned looking at Max, He shrugged. "Come on Evelyn, as tempting as it is to let the bots take Butch..." Max exclaimed I sighed slightly. Max and I charged at the bots, using the smoke to hide our attacks. Once we had taken them all down the smoke started to clear, Max and I looked at each other and ran to hide to go into the civilian mode. Once the smoke was clear Max and I walked back to the lunch area only to see everyone cheering for Butch because he took out the bots, Pfft If only they knew.

The school was let out early because of the bots attacking the lunch area, I walked out of the school before Max had got out. I got onto the bus knowing that is the bus that Butch rides after school, Copper flew out of my backpack. "Are you alright, Evelyn? You've been kind of out of it for a while now..." Copper said as he poked my side, I laughed because I'm ticklish but quickly shook my head. "I'm fine Copper, I'm just thinking. Hey, We still need a name when we start saving people and stuff." I exclaimed, Both Copper and I heard people coming so he flew into my backpack. Would you look at that, the first people on the bus? Sydney and Butch, and soon to follow Max. Nice to know we had a similar idea, Max talked to Butch and then came Max. He looked pissed, Sydney probably. Steel poke his head out of Max's bag and looked at me and then Max, "There is nothing out of the ordinary on the bus, I've scanned it twice." Steel exclaims I sighed softly. I looked towards Max and smiled before looking at the front of the bus.

"Maybe... As long as we keep moving we will be fine-" Max exclaims, Right as he said that the bridge in front of us exploded. The bus driver slammed on the breaks, Kids screaming as the bus swerved. I fell onto Max and he instantly put his arms around me to protect me, I hid my face on his chest. I've never been good with Cars... The bus stopped right before falling off the bridge, Something grabbed the back of the bus and pulled it away slightly to keep it from falling. Then the front window was ripped off, I looked up Dredd... "H-how? How is he back?" I questioned as I turned to Max he glared Miles down, holding my hand mainly to hold himself back I assume. "Hello, kiddies!" Miles exclaimed walking towards Max, At least I thought. Instead, he walked towards Butch "But... Dredd is dead...." Max states his eyes wide, I looked at many students who were gasping and crying. I turned my attention back to Dredd, "It's over. Come quietly and I'll let these kiddies live." Dredd exclaimed paying no attention to Max who had stood up, He continued walking towards Butch. "You've lost Butch. Do you remember these?" Dredd asked Butch holding up his hands, I looked down... I mean how could I forget, Dredd tried taking turbo energy from Butch nothing being taken. He looked towards Syd and also tried, I assume he thought it would be me? No matter, Dredd growled and started talking to Naught. Butch stuttered "Y-You said, Max?! That's Max McGrath and Evelyn Paige !" He pointed towards us, Dredd quickly turned to both Max and me.

Dredd put Butch down, "McGrath, As in Jim and Molly McGrath? Lame N-Tek agents and pioneers of turbo energy McGrath? How could you have been so blind Naught?... Yes, You do look like your father. Oh, Little Max McGrath. Or should I say Max Steel?" Dredd exclaimed, He raised his arm and hit Max, I being behind Max go flying out the window first. [:')] "Or... Not." Dredd mumbled starting to walk away, Max already flying by the bus "Coppppppppper" I scream as we fall in the canyon. "I got you, Evelyn!" Copper linked up to me and quickly we changed to turbo flight mode. I flew up next to Max, and Dredd looked at me. "Maybe... Evelyn Vita is your real name.. Is it not Evelyn Paige?" Max turned to me and shook his head, Oh I'm in trouble...

Well, This chapter has been done for a while but I didn't update it because I've been busy and had things to do which is why I have a few chapters are written, I planned to release a Star Wars Chapter and I still will. It just won't come out on May 4th because I was not able to finish it on May 4th because I was busy and All weekend I was busy... So Sorry I couldn't get that out in time so, for now, enjoy more from the storyline! 


Word Count: 1287

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