truth or dare // jaeden lieberher

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"TRUTH OR DARE!" jack exclaimed, running over to the empty space in jaeden's living room.

everyone happily obliged, except jaeden.

only because jack knew jaeden liked y/n, and he would do something to get them together.

"okay. i'll go first. jack," wyatt looked toward jack.

jack looked up, his mouth filled with un-chewed chips.

"dare," he replied, chewing the chips carefully not to hurt his gums.

"i dare you to...kiss finn!" wyatt exclaimed, probably proud of himself for making fick come true.

jack blushed crimson, turning to finn, whom was the same.

"" jack turned to finn and grabbed him by his freckled cheeks and kissed him passionately.

finn's eyes widened, then kissed jack back shortly after.

a lot of 'oooh's and 'ahhh's came from the rest of the circle.

jack and finn pulled away at the same time, their faces looking red as a tomato.

"uh..." they both gawked at nothing.

"okay," jack had a sudden shot of energy, realizing what he was going to do.

"Y/N!" he screeched.

"uh...yeah?" she replied after wincing at the screech coming from the brown haired boy.

"TRUTH OR DARE?!" jack shortly says after. "uh...dare?" she said.

"shouldna said that..." wyatt muttered under his breath.

"i dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with...JAEDEN!" he screamed, pointing at the red-faced boy in the light blue shirt and black jeans.

"(your ship name) FOREVER!" jack yelled to us as we walked into the bathroom.

a loud noise came from the outside of the bathroom.

jack had placed a door to lock the handle in place until the 7 minutes were over.



"you know, we don't have to kiss because they can't se-" y/n started, jaeden then finishing it with him smashing their lips together.

y/n hesitated at first, then leaned into the kiss.

they kept at for at least two minutes.

they pulled away for air.

their faces were dark red.

the door knob jiggles, then twisted.

sophia opened the door.

"h-hey..." jaeden greeted the light haired girl.

"hey...y/n! your lips look sore..." she smirked.

"shut up!" y/n said as jaeden was walking out of the bathroom, the boys crowding around him.

"i ship it." sophia muttered under her breath.

okay so ye
word count: 392

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