counselor // wyatt oleff

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yay finally another imagine :)


if you have spotify, i suggest you listen to "the sideline" by mxmtoon. it goes great with this imagine.


y/n tied her skates and wobbled to the entrance of the rink.

it was her first day being trained to be an ice skater, a professional one.

her past coach had said that her counselor is a little immature, so she didn't know what do expect.

a boy skated from the other entrance to the rink.

he wore a pale blue shirt and black jeans. he looked pretty warm.

he had light brown curly hair and eyes the same color.

he was rather cute.

but his smile was even cuter.

dimples complimented his rosy cheeks and his smile seemed to brightened that whole room.

y/n hadn't even noticed how gracefully he skated across the rink.


his bright voice brought y/n out of her trance.

"hello! i'm l/n. er - y/n. sorry. nervous."

she shook his hand.

"i'm wyatt. now, remind me how old your are?" he beamed.

y/n beamed back.


"okay." he nodded.


y/n and wyatt skated for hours on end, smiling almost the whole time.

the only times they didn't was when wyatt kept falling.

they laughed and cried; cried laughing.

"well," wyatt's face was red from laughing as he spoke.

y/n laughed with him.

"see you wednesday, wyatt." y/n beamed, about to skate to the west exit.

wyatt grabbed her wrist.

"i was thinking maybe i could see you before then?" he inquired.

y/n's cheeks were dusted with a dark rose color, and she smiled.



(it was saturday)
monday night


will's (wyatt's friend in 'we went to a castle') hands found their way to wyatt's shoulders.

"wyatt, to be frank, you look snazzy!" will exclaimed.

wyatt blushed and looked down at his converse covered feet.

he called an uber and drove to y/n's house.

"hi, wyatt! you look great." y/n complimented his flannel.

wyatt smiled sheepishly. "thanks. you look better, though." he said, scanning her body.

y/n wore black leggings with a white flowey top decorated with a rose in the corner.

"shall we?"

"we shall."


park (where the date was)


y/n sat on the seat of the blue swing, wyatt sitting next to her.



"do you have any siblings?" wyatt spoke.

y/n shook her head.

wyatt nodded.

it was awkward.

but nice.


after everything


they were walk on the sidewalk.

"race you." wyatt said plainly.

y/n looked over at him.

then she starting running.

wyatt ran after her.

they were laughing and giggling.

y/n smiled the brightest she ever had.

wyatt pushed her back lightly, and they tumbled onto the grass.

they were laughing so hard, their faces were red like an apple.

they calmed, and looked over at each other.

wyatt stared into her eyes, and y/n stared back.

then wyatt kissed her.

it was soft and special, yet passionate and loving.

it was the best.


so ye

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