long a/n!

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i recently got discord, and i'm picking three people to be in a chat w me!

not like it's a privilege or anything

but so on!

i will choose by who gets all of these right.

comment the answers!

these are questions about me!

1. what is my favorite color?

2. what state do i live in?

3. what is my name?

4. how old am i?

and finally,

5. who is my favorite loser?


good luck!

in total, there will be five people in the chat.

i know for a fact i would like 1-800-SCHNAPP in it! (if you don't want to or can't, just comment)


secondly, everyone seems to be calling they're followers a name. and since i'm all about aesthetic, you will be called my little aestheticalites!!!

finally, since i ain't mrs.grazer anymore, what should i be called? who do you ship me most with? (other than jack 💔)

well, so long my aestheticalites!!!


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