what about the future? // chosen jacobs

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it's short but i like it


you heard knocking on your door, afraid to see your abusive mother again.

but no.

it was chosen.

"oh! hey, chosen. just finishing up some homework." you turned back to your pre-calculus paper.

"oh...i was just bored so i came over to see you, love."

he called you that a lot.


you've always liked that word.

you knew it meant more than a girlfriend or boyfriend to manipulate.

and him.

oh, him.

you've liked him since you've met him.

that day on set.

you are andy's daughter and you met chosen on the set of IT.

but your dad is doing another movie, so you're left with your mother.

your abusive mother.

"you need help?" he asked, sitting on your bed next to your desk.

"no. i want to do this on my own. and i'm not going to get distracted."


you and chosen were lying on the roof, sharing a bag of cookie dough pieces (just me? okay...).

then, out of the blue, he asked you a question you keep thinking about.

"what do you think you'll do in the future?"


"i...i don't know, chosen. i don't know." you replied, smiling.

he returned the smile and chuckled a little bit.

"what's so funny, jacobs?"

"i know what i'm gonna do." he look over at you.

"and what will that be?"

"kiss you."

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