bike rides at 5 // richie tozier

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hi so this is based off of true events that happened literally 10 minutes ago. yes. i'm writing this on a bench by a lake :)




it was exactly 5:00 pm.

"hey dad," i called to my stepdad.

"yes, y/n?" he responded, pulling away from the beer bottle.

"can i go on a bike ride to the lake?" i asked, walking towards the shoe rack.

"that's fine. be back by 6." he responded, taking another swig from the bottle, his focus going back to the football game.

i got on my brown boots and tied a (2 favorite colors) flannel around my waist.

today, i put on a dark grey shirt and black leggings (actually what i'm wearing rn).

i walked out to my f/c cruiser bike.

i rode down my street.

then another.

and another.

and another.

then i got to the park.

i parked my bike in the dirt around the bench and sat down.

i was staring out onto the beautiful lake.

it was the only beautiful thing in this town.

a man in a white shirt walked quickly behind me.

"exactly... that's what i'm saying..." he muttered, walking past me.

but...there was nobody else there.

he wasn't on his phone.

he was talking to himself.

just then, a voice came from the right side of the bench.

"scary, huh?"

i snapped my head to look at the person.

he was about my age with big glasses and dark curly brown hair and dark brown eyes and freckles. there was a blue BMX bike behind him.

"uh...yeah..." i responded.

he smiled and sat down next to me.

"richie. richie tozier," he stuck his hand out.

"y/n. y/n l/n." i replied, taking his hand.

he grasped it and held it up to his mouth.

he kissed my hand.

my face was like a tube of crimson paint (rip bob ross).

he let go of my hand and looked at the sunset over the lake.

it was silent.

not awkward; just silent.

it was nice.

you know, having the warmth of someone next to you.

i didn't feel alone.

"so..." i said quietly.

"that guy..." i quickly followed my last word.

"oh. that thing. well, his daughter died in 53'. and he murdered his wife 6 years later. been crazy since," richie explained.

"oh..." i said. but all i was thinking was...

"i definitly don't want to end up like him," richie said.

oh my god.

"that's exactly what i was thinking!" i exclaimed.

he smiled.

"you know what they say? great minds think alike!" he laughed.

i giggled.

"what's the time?" i asked, noticing he had a watch.


"OH CRAP! I GOTTA GET BACK HOME BY 6!" we yelled in unison.

then we laughed until our stomachs hurt.

"okay. can i be a gentleman and take you home, princess?" he asked in horrible british accent.

i smiled.

"why, yes my good man!" i replied with the same bad accent.

we both laughed and got up from the bench.

he got onto his bike as i did mine.

we rode down one street.

then another.

and another.

and another.

then we got to my house.

"so...i'll see you tomorrow, cutie?" he smiled.

i blushed.

"yeah. why not?" i replied, lightly punching his shoulder.

his eyes widened.


"nothing. i just notices when the sun hits your eyes, you look..." he trailed off.

"nevermind. i'll see you tomorrow, right, princess?" he straddled his bike again.

"yeah. see you tomorrow," i replied, opening my garage and placing my bike inside.

"okay. see ya later, princess!" he yelled, halfway down my driveway.

"goodbye, richie!" i screamed at him as he rode away.


so yeah there :')


word count: 628

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