lucky // finn wolfhard

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finn straightened his crinkled shirt as nic honked at him from outside. "dude! let's go! we're gonna be late!" he called finn rolled his eyes before talking out of his house and getting into the car. "okay. i'm here. now what?" finn dramatically put his hands in his lap. nic rolled his eyes, like finn, and pulled out his phone. "you want your caramel macchiato, right?" he asked. finn nodded. "grande." "kay."

they drove up to LA, the car blasting music on the way. finally, finn thought. finally a chance to be finn. not the guy on stranger things, not worldwide teen pop star, not the hot guy on TV, just finn. he smiled while looking at all of the people lined up on the streets.

they arrived to the concert. it was packed, but nic got VIP tickets. they cut to the front and entered after an argument with the security. they found their assigned seats in the front and they both relaxed and watched the set up guys on the stage put everything together. people piled into the arena, nobody else getting VIP tickets. then a person sat next to finn. it was a girl and her older sister. the girl was pretty. nic asked if he could move next to the older girl. finn smirked and nodded. nic was already going to hit on a girl.

finn checked his phone. "wow. guess some people have heard of you." finn's head shot up. he looked over at the girl, which was softly smiling at him. he smiled back. "h-how'd you know?" he asked. she pointed to the back of the arena at the 15 or so girls that were screaming and chanting his name. "MARRY ME!" one of them shouted. "I WANT TO HAVE YOUR KIDS!" another one yelled. finn rolled his eyes. so much for a good first impression. "ignore them. sorry, i'm finn." he held his hand out. she took it and introduced herself as y/n.

the concert was amazing. they saw twenty one pilots, also known as the two dads of the century. "alright! how are we doing, LA?" tyler asked. the crowd cheered. "okay! in honor of valentine's day, we are going to play a game." the audience clapped. "i'm going to choose, with the help of you guys, three couples."

the crowd pointed to one. it was a guy with blonde hair and a girl that looked the same. typical rich LA couple. they went up onto the stage.

the next one was a couple that was a jock and a nerd. who ordered a side of sitcom?

the choosing of the last couple was hard. then the thing finn was praying wouldn't happen, happened. people started pointed to finn and y/n. finn shook his head while y/n pulled his hand. he blushed and got up. they walked on the stage and the crowd cheered. tyler smiled at them. he called to josh, and josh walked out from behind the stage with a noise-o-meter. "okay. what we are going to do with this is we are going to ask who's the best couple. the noise level will determine who is!" the crowd went wild.

what finn hadn't noticed was that y/n was holding his hand the entire time.

tyler and josh pointed to the first couple. almost nobody cheered. the second couple got a few 'whoo!'s and 'yeah!'s. then they pointed to finn and y/n, and they could of swore the noise-o-meter broke. even the other two couples cheered for them. finn's face went red.

tyler then shot josh a smirk, josh returned the look. "alright, we've chosen our LA sweethearts, so now, here's the big question." the crowd 'ooh'd. "do we ship them?!" tyler yelled. the audience screamed back. "YES WE DO!"

then the crowd started chanting a word. it was non-understandable. then it got clearer and clearer. "KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!" they chanted. finn gripped y/n's hand harder. "you didn't hear it from me!" tyler said. y/n glanced at finn. finn then grabbed her by her waist and kissed her. the crowd cheered louder then they've ever had.


nic went home with y/n's sister while finn and y/n stayed behind.

they went to a cafe, and when they left, it was 2 AM. they wandered the streets, their faces illuminated by the lights. "i really have to get going. it was really nice meeting you. wait, i don't know why i'm acting like i just met you. we kissed!" y/n smiled. finn chuckled. he then felt something in his chest. it felt soothing.

"she's the tear in my heart!"


this was really cheesy (but that was the point). btw, tomorrow is my birthday!!!

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