i'm sorry // jaeden lieberher + wyatt oleff

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a bruise smeared across your face.

"i wish i'd never been pregnant with you, y/n l/n!" your mother screamed while grabbing a knife from the counter.

she pointed it at you and sneered.

"listen to me, young lady. i want you out of this house in five minutes or this knife will no longer be in my hand."

you looked at her through your hazy eyes due to the tears swelling up because if the pain and fear choking you.

"y-yes mother."

you obediently walked down the hall to your room and slammed the door shut.

you grabbed a backpack and stuffed everything important to you inside.

including your apple red pocket knife.

but that was at the very bottom.

along with your favorite stuffed animal and drawing supplies, you packed all of your clothes and food because your father never fed you; continuously saying you're "too fat."

(you're not)

you stormed out of the house, off to the treehouse you built when you were younger.

you climbed up the rope ladder and turned on the battery-powered fairy lights lining the wooden walls.

a mattress and comforter with about seven pillows lay in one corner and, again, a battery-powered mini fridge sat in another.

a large cardboard box was next to your bed and you put your clothes in it.

you grabbed the macbook you hid underneath the blankets and started watching youtube.

then you heard someone climbing up the ladder.

a wooden bat sat in the cardboard box and you grasped it tightly.

you slowly walked towards the entrance, having the bat ready to hit someone/something.

a rather tall boy walked through the doorway and, without thinking, you socked him right in the cheek with the bat.

"ahh!" he winced in pain.

you dropped the bat and covered your mouth, kneeling down to the boy.

"oh my god! i'm so so so sorry!" you held his head up to your face, him squinting his eyes in pain.

"ah...it's fine..." he responded, prompting himself to get up from your grip.

you let him rise, him still holding his bruised cheek in pain.

"sorry we got off on the wrong foot. i'm jaeden. jaeden lieberher. you are?" he stuck out his hand nicely.

"y/n. y/n l/n." you responded, taking his weirdly soft hand.

"rule number one of life," he said, pulling his hand away from yours.

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