i'm here for you // wyatt oleff

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i ran from the park to my house, tears streaming down my face.

"yeah! run like you always do!" finn yelled after me.

oh, the things i wanted to do to him.

i want to make sure he dies a slow and painful death.

one that involves me.

but, aside that, he tormented me me in every way possible.

i ran into my house, footsteps coming at me as i slammed the door shut.


the door slam was what followed.




the door flew at me and smacked my nose, probably leaving a red mark.

i opened it forcefully and ran into y/n's house.




i tried to open the door to her bathroom.


"y/n? please don't do this. please!" i yelled to her, my voice breaking and cracking due to the tears that were threatening to pour out of my eyes.

"no, wyatt! you don't understand! no one loves me. no one cares. nobody, wyatt. that's it! i'm tired of it! have a good rest of your life."

the sound of a knife clattering on the floor echoed through the small tile room.

i sank to the floor, crying so hard.





"y/n, i'm here f-for you..."

finally, i got sick of it.

i got up and went back in the hallway and rammed.


into the door.

there she sat.

her wrists slit.

but her stomach lifting.






*a month later*


"can i see her?" i asked the white-coated man walking out with a clipboard.

he nodded solemnly and i ran into her room.

"y-y/n?" i ran to her, her eyes were closed and she was smiling lightly.

her wrists were scarred and bleeding a little still.

"hey, curly."

i slammed my head into her chest and cried softly while drawing circles and hearts into her wrists.

"looks like you weren't kidding."

"what?" i looked up at her.

"you said you would be here for me."

"of course i'm here."


okay it's depressing but it was requested bye loves

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