just on set? // jack dylan grazer

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jack pov
"okay, guys. today's the day. jack, y/n, run your lines. jaeden, jermey, chosen, sophia, and wyatt, we'll need you for the opening scene," andy said, handing us the script.

we were shooting IT, and y/n was playing andie, eddie's love interest in the movie.

we began to say the lines.

eddie: we can't run from it.
andie: i know. how can we defeat it when we're constantly running?
eddie: we...we just have to stick together.
andie: and if we do?
eddie: we'll stay alive.
*kiss scene*

"so. you ready?" she asked me.

i nodded.

she smiled brightly. "oka-"

"AND CUT!" andy interrupted.

"ON SET NOW GRAZER AND L/N!" he yelled.

we made our way on set and took our places.

a makeup person did y/n's quick highlight and adjusted her oversized-overalls.

"aaaaaaand AcTiOn!" andy screeched.

we said our lines then paused, like andy told us during rehearsal.

she kissed me.

that's what i wanted to feel for at least 2 years.

she pulled away.

there was a moment when she looked into my dark brown eyes and i looked into her e/c eyes.

"CUT! perfect, guys!" andy interrupted our moment.

we had a 15 minute break, and she went back to her trailer and i went to mine.

there was a light knock in my door.

"it's open," i responded, looking up from my phone.

y/n walked in, still in her adorable outfit.

she sat down next to me.

"hey." she said.

my stomach flutters at her voice.

"hi." i responded.



she swiftly kissed me.

and hard.

she pulled away slowly, letting the kiss linger.

"i-i like you, jack." y/n murmured.

"i like you, too, y/n." i returned the message.


hi so yeah after tomorrow you have 27 days until requests close but you probably don't care so anyway yeah


word count: 318

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