new kid on the block // wyatt oleff

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sophia, jaeden, finn, jack and i were hanging out by the barrens, chowing down on some mud bars we hijacked from the ice cream man.

we were having a grand ole' time, making dirty jokes (mostly coming from finn), jack and i having stick fights, and all of us playing truth or dare.

until rustling and smashing came from the other side of the creek.


nicholas hamilton .

a curly-haired boy stumbled out of the bushes with a bloody knee and a ripped hole in his (probably expensive) joggers.

a rock flew after him as he ran (more or less limped) along the rocks.

"oh crap! we gotta help him!" jack exclaimed, pulling my hand, me pulling jaeden's hand, jaeden pulling sophia's hand, sophia then pulling finn along too.

"hey! tall skinny kid!" jaeden yelled.

the kid stopped.

he looked at me with his light brown eyes and smiled.

we beat the bullies off with a rock fight, us winning shortly after we started.

"thanks for helping me," he thanked us.

"no problem, new kid. y/n'll take you home," jaeden nudged my arm.

just like that, the rest of them ran past the tree back to jaeden's house.

"wh-" i groaned.

i looked over to the new kid who had a hurt look in his eyes.

"it's okay. go with your friends. i'll be fine," he sighed.

"no! it's not like that! it's just that they never really leave me with situations like this," i said to the curly-haired boy whom had sad eyes, but a happy grin.

"i'm wyatt. nice to meet you, y/n," he stuck out his hand.

i took it.

"nice to meet you too, wyatt," i beamed.

i hadn't realized he was limping the whole way we were walking.

"here," i said, grasping his shoulder and putting my arm around it.

he did the same to me.

"thanks," he laughed.

"what's so funny, curly?" i asked him.

he chuckled. "it's just that..." he took a deep breath.

"i never thought i would wake up today, the first day i spend in derry, and get a busted knee, meet a group of nice people, and meet the prettiest girl i've ever seen," he looked up at me and smiled.

i blushed crimson. his smile disappeared.

"d-did i s-say that out l-loud?" he stammered.

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