dead. // mystery

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"he's dead."

tears pooled in my eyes. how could he be dead?

"unfortunately, suicide got to him."

no! no, no, no, no! he can't. he won't. i can change this. i can. i can. i can.

i can't.


i woke up and rubbed my eyes. the day seemed to go slower now that he was gone. i walked to my window and spent some solitary time staring out of it. the clouds seemed to move faster now that he left. i moved to the sink to wash up. water felt cold. whether it was on the highest setting or not. life was bland. everything looked as if it was in black and white.


school was a drag. i sat down. "hello class." mrs.vanyik said. "maybe you already know, but one of our students has left us." those tears. pools. "may i be excused?" i asked loudly. "w-" i ran out. i could bare to hear the rest. i cried my eyes out in the last stall of the girl's restroom. hicking sobs echoed through the small space.

no matter how hard i tried, i just couldn't. i could not. i don't care if i had to kill someone, i wanted him back. he was my only one. the one i could trust. he knew things about me that even my parents didn't. now he was gone.



i returned to class about a half an hour later. wet spots found their way to my shirt, caused by tears. a pool. pools. "ms.l/n? are you alright, dear?" my kind teacher asked me. "no." i shook my head. she frowned at me. "i'm so very sorry. i know you were very close to-" she was going to say his name. "don't say it." i said plainly. she nodded and turned back to the board. i sat down and held my head in my hands.


i got home and went straight up to my room. i sat down at my desk. i got paper and a pen.


my mom called me. "what?" i asked her. "just making sure you're home."

i turned back to my paper.

dear jack,

i miss you. come back please.

-sincerely, y/n


in honor of jack leaving the fandom.

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