imaginary friend // jack dylan grazer

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okay for all you twenty one pilots fans out there this is based off of the forest fic so grab some tissues and LeT's CrY


"yeah, jack." i nodded to the brown haired boy sitting across from me in the field of lavender.

he smiled. "ya know, you're my only friend." he said looked up at me sincerely.

i smiled and looked down. "and you're my only, too."

he laughed and walked over to me.

he lay down and looked up at the dark clouds.

i fell backward to be next to him.

he looked over at me and smiled.

i couldn't help but return the smile.

"y/n..." he sighed.


"sometimes...sometimes i think i don't exist."

" matter what my mother says, you'll always be real to me." i said quietly.

he smiled again.

his hair blew softly in the wind.

there were tiny raindrops coming from within the dark masses.

they never escalated to be a storm or anything; they just remained drops.





"y/n!" my mother yelled from the front porch.

i sat up straight, looking over in the direction of the voice.

"y/n l/n, it's 3:47 in the morning, get back in here right now!" she yelled.

i looked at jack sadly and mouthed "bye..." and walked away.

he waved.

i  walked up the stairs to my front door as my mother scolded you.

but, as always, i didn't listen to her.

she always went on about me sneaking off at night and talking to my "imaginary friend" named jack.

i just got out of the mentally ill facility...could she blame me for having an imaginary friend?

i had no real friends...people at school just called me a freak.

i have no siblings.

my mother wouldn't listen to me.

so who would i talk to about my problems?

that's when i met jack.

he was like my soulmate.

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