12.[Jack Grazer]

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You were sitting in the movie theatre, alone, patiently waiting for Beatriz at Dinner to start. You were originally wanting to go with your friends, but the only night you were available to go, they all couldn't go. Still, you wanted to see this movie so badly that resolved to go see it yourself. So far the theatre was pretty empty, so you were hoping to sit by yourself. 

Until a boy sat next you. He looked to be around your age, and he was alone as well, looking almost embarrassed to have come and seen this movie at all. He sat in the seat right next to you, because you were conveniently right in the middle of the theatre with the best view. 

The boy gave you a small smile when he sat down, which you returned. The movie was about to start, when a couple came and sat directly in front of you. Though that is kind of annoying, you ignored it because they were just here to enjoy the movie, too. 

The movie finally started, and as you expected, it even started out incredibly. That is, until the couple in front of you decided the movie was too boring and started to make out. Like, intensely. 

You looked over to the boy next to you, who wore the same disgusted expression you were sure you did. 

"Ew," the boy mouthed, pretending to throw up. You suppressed your giggles, mouthing back "I know, right?"

A few seconds later, the boy took his phone out, typing furiously, before showing me the screen. It read; "Join forces with me to pelt the gross people with popcorn?" I looked up and nodded my head, causing the boy to smile. 

He put his popcorn in between you two, and you threw kernel after kernel at the couple, until they got so annoyed that they stood up and left.  Shortly after, the movie ended, and you stood up to leave as the theatre lights came on. 

"Uh, hey, I'm Jack. Thanks for throwing popcorn at people with me," the boy laughed, once you both stood up. 

"I'm (y/n), and no problem, it was really fun," you answered, smiling brightly at Jack. 

"Um, sorry if this sounds weird, but can I have your number?" Jack asked nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Of course," you responded, and the two of you exchanged numbers, which led to a beautiful friendship and something more in the future.

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