42.[Beverly Marsh]

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Heyyy, this is from my Tumblr in case you had found it on there and think I plagiarized it or something lol 

Beverly closed the door quietly behind her, wincing at the uncomfortably loud 'click' the lock made. She was late home for the second time in a week, and if she ran into her father right now, she knew there'd be hell. It's not like she could be truthful to him as to why she was coming home late so often; that would only make things worse for her. Truth be told, she had been spending an awful lot of time with you, the new girl to the Losers Club whom she had developed a crush on. It took a lot of struggling with these feelings to come to that, too. She was sure she couldn't be gay. But here she was, being gay, and if her father ever found out, he would surely kill her.

Her footsteps creaked too loudly going down the hallway. Her breathing was too loud and too shallow to go unnoticed. She cringed at every sound that came from her direction. The t.v. was playing quietly in the other room, and she hoped with everything in her that her father had come home and fallen asleep in front of the set.

"Oh, Bevvie, I hear you. Didn't think you could sneak past dear ol' daddy, did ya?" she heard his sickening voice call out, and a small gasp escaped her mouth. She stopped walking, stood frozen in the doorway to the living room.

"N-no, daddy," she said quietly, trying to calm the shakiness clearly evident in her voice. It took her father a long time to get up from his chair, and she considered running, but he was already facing her before she could make her decision.

"Now, now, Bevvie. What's a little girl like you doing out so late? And for the second time this week, no less," her father asked, sauntering closer to her.

"N-nothing," she stuttered out, eyes dropping to the floor.

"Don't lie to me, Beverly!" her father suddenly yelled, causing her to flinch. "When I ask you something, you answer me truthfully!" She nodded curtly, still not daring to look her father in the eyes.

"Now, tell me. Where were you, Bevvie?" her father asked once again, his condescending tone bearing down on her, being almost more than she can handle.

"I was with my friend, Kaitlyn," Beverly said quietly, cursing herself for even using your name in a conversation with the monster in front of her.

"Kaitlyn, huh? Interesting, Bevvie. That girl's got a lot of rumors flying around her, you know. Some saying things like she's a lesbian, you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Her father trailed on, abruptly taking Beverly's chin, forcing her to look at him. In fact, she did now about these 'rumors'. They were true, too. You were out and proud in the town of Derry, a brave act for a kid such as yourself. And it wasn't easy for you. Bev knew this, which is why she struggled so much with coming to terms with her own sexuality since she had met you.

"I do know about the rumors, daddy," Beverly responded, eyes not leaving his; partly because he was holding her chin, and partly because she was feeling more and more defiant as each second passed.

"And why would you hang around a girl like that when you know these things about her?" his eyes were darkening now, blackened pools surrounded by milky white. But she wasn't scared.

"Because... because I'm gay, daddy. I'm gay," Beverly said, eyes locking on her father's, not daring to move.

A minute later, old Mrs. Peterson who lived in the apartment directly below the Marsh's, heard a loud thump come from upstairs, followed by yelling. She did nothing.

It was nearing eleven at night, but it was summer, so you had no real reason to go to bed. Because of this, you sat up in your room, one earphone on as you listened to your walkman, scribbling something in your journal like you did every night. Suddenly, something caught your attention.

A light tapping was coming from your window, and you would have missed it entirely if you had both headphones on. You considered ignoring it, but curiosity got the best of you, and you stood up, making your way to the window.

Shoving the window open, you saw a certain red haired girl whom you'd grown very fond of over the last few weeks standing in your back garden. She looked up at you, and you saw the cut splitting her eyebrow, and the way her blue eyes were bright in the way blue eyes only were after crying. Gasping, you took the fire safety ladder your mom had screwed into your window sill, and threw it out the window, allowing Bev to climb up to your room.

As soon as she had clambered in through the window, you pulled her into a tight hug, before holding her at arm's length and observing her face. Beside the cut that you had been able to spot from the darkened outdoors, you noticed she also had a bruise on her left cheekbone, and another one on her collarbone.

Silently, you took her hand and led her to the bathroom, gesturing to her to sit on the side of the tub as you got a med kit. You cleaned up the cuts and bandaged them, and only then, did you start a conversation with the girl. Squatting on the tiled floor in front of her, you looked into her eyes.

"What happened, Bev?" you asked quietly, one hand on her knee. She looked down, avoiding your eyes, before speaking.

"I'm gay. I came out to my dad, and he... he didn't really take it too well, as you can see," Bev said quietly. Your heart broke. You knew how hard it was to come out to people at first, and how it was even harder when people didn't accept you. You pulled her into yet another hug, and you could feel her shoulders heaving with sobs after a few seconds. You sat like that until she pulled away, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Thank you for all this," she said, sending you a watery smile.

"Anytime Bev. Remember, you always have me," you said, squeezing her hand and returning the smile, "wanna sleep here tonight?" Beverly nodded gratefully, and you both headed back to your room.

Tossing her a blanket, you put on some random VHS movie you had lying on the floor, and settled onto the bed, cracking jokes every once in a while to try and help Beverly forget about the evening.

Eventually, she did, falling asleep on your shoulder with a smile on her face.

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