16.[Richie Tozier]

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Guys I need some requests or i'm just gonna keep spitting out bullshit like this 

The bell signaling the end of class rang shrilly in your ears, and you, like all of the other students, rushed to pack up your stuff as quickly as you could. You had one more period before the day was over, and not only was it a class you liked, but your boyfriend Richie, and a couple of your friends, were in it. 

You slung your backpack over your shoulder and bolted into the hallway, dodging the upperclassmen and trying to get to your creative writing class. You were happy to see everyone was still waiting outside the classroom, including Richie and your friends, Stan and Eddie. 

"Hey guys," you greeted happily as you walked up to them, earning a smile and some sort of greeting in return. You walked up to Richie, stood on your tippy toes, and he automatically tilted down his forehead for you, so you could kiss it. It was kind of your thing; Richie thought it was embarrassing but you thought it was the cutest thing ever when he got all blushy. 

When you pulled away, Richie's glasses were all fogged up, which caused you to giggle. The boys were trying to stifle their laughs as well. 

"Aww," Eddie said, grinning at the two of you. He had always been the biggest fan of your relationship. 

"Damn it, (y/n), my glasses!" Richie groaned, removing his glasses from his face so he could clean them off. 

"What? I didn't do anything," you replied innocently, blinking your eyes at him. He paused his glasses cleaning for a second to glare at you playfully. At this time, the teacher arrived, ushering the kids into the classroom. 

Richie put his glasses back on, and slung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to him. 

"You're lucky I love you," he whispered in your ear, sneaking a kiss onto the top of your head. 

"Aww, love you too, four-eyes," you teased, making him groan once more. 

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