Beneath All That May Not Be Stollen!

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Is pickpocketing the next secret mission in the ongoinmg era of procedural combat?

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Is pickpocketing the next secret mission in the ongoinmg era of procedural combat?

"You're about to harness justice by the 'gun-ful,'" Agent Dean replies.

"Who was the victim of a recent Cracker Barrel Old Country Store pickpockting incident?" asks Katheryn.

"Somewhere Justin snatched a billion dollars from the Massachusetts Federal Mafia," Detective Throckmorton answers

Sgt. Harry tells the Shadow Busters, "There a a billion dollars remaining in Justin Palmer's secret assignment deploying larceny, bamzoozlement and escapism."

"Right-O," answers Detective Throckmorton.

"Until this time," Commissioner Tapp says, "your best kept secret weapon is the caliber revolver pickpocketing gun."

"Yes, dear," Detective Throckmorton responds.

"Shadow Buster Throck, I have a date of lethal destiny!" says Agent Dean.

As Detective Throckmorton picks up the smartphone, Detective Arnold Schuste of the Fartelsville Police Department asks him a question.

"Who is Justin Palmer?"

"Forgit 'bawd it, Schuste," shouts Detective Throckmorton.

"You, Schuste, are the most deadliest enemy tracking down a male human ticking time bomb named Justin Palmer... believe me, the Shadow Busters Foundation has set up a brand new - and much anticipated - interrogation room in which the investigators and paranormal mad scientists discuss the issues facing all citizens. But what 'bawd Justin?!!!"

"You guessed this suspect," answers Detective Schuste.

Shadow Buster Throck asks, "But to whom?

"I, Arnold Stewart Schuste, Jr., P.I., will navigate the Shadow Busters' ability to fight the signs of pickpocketing as soon as 6 weeks.

"Besides, Mr. Throckmorton, the tyranny of the pickpockets will determine who is resolved with a vengence in the coming years ahead."

"Detective Schuste said he's been totally flushed out," says Katheryn.

"What klues to Justin Palmer will Schuste seek?" asks Agent Dean.

"To me," Detective Throckmorton tells the Shadow Busters Foundation enforcers, "Schuste is anxious about searching for Justin's identity."

To the Shadow Busters, fighting the pickpockets who go after the accomplices will be debated in the Shadow Busters Foundation interrogation room.

"Everyone who travels to New England will experience the Fartelsville City Hall, not to mention the Fartelsville Village Shopping Center. Hee hee," says Commissioner Tapp.

"Remember," says Detective Throckmorton, " no matter which suspect commits crime, is being abducted by sinister extraterrestrial creatures from countless universes, or will be haunted - my aim is to bust the shadows of unsolved life."

"Bug out," shouts Agent Dean.

"Agent Woodward, you are going after Justin Palmer within a half-dozen months!" warns Detective Throckmorton.

"Get out in nine minutes, or Detective Throckmorton will go after Detective Schuste in his quest to investigate Justin's amazing master pickpocketing rip-off!" Sgt. Harry warns Commissioner Tapp.

 Detective Throckmorton discusses, "No one, especially Justin Palmer, could escape larceny in about several more years.

"Within the Shadow Busters Foundation's due diligent ability to bust the criminals having trouble finding their way out, arresting the crooks could spell 'T-R-O-U-B-L-E-'."

 "Pickpockets, exactly," Katheryn replies.

"Yes," answers Detective Throckmorton, "exactly."

"Detective Schuste and I are sneakin' up on Justin when this pickpocket gets into trouble picking up suspicious belongings from many accomplices across America. Espcially in the heart of the Greater Metropolitan Fartelsville Area."

"I have not believed it," says Commissioner Tapp.

Radney explains, "As a magician, many law enforcement agencies are intent on solving a bunch of pickpockets getting their suspects in trouble.

"What really will happen is that everyone could happen on any given day in any given decade."

"Right, Rodney the Shadow Busting Magician," Detective Throckmorton figures it out.

"Agent Woodward could've bust a pickpocketing shadow of a doubt when Justin is arrested."

"Fighting the tyranny of the pickpockets remains a whole bunch of malarkey out there," Sgt. Harry tells Detective Throckmorton the truth.

"Go tell Agent Holloway you want Detective Schuiste to examine Agent Soucheray's secret assignment involving Justin Palmer during the middle of 2018."

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