What Happens to Agent Soucheray?

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It's that time again, as the Shadow Busters go pickpocket-hunting within the next 12 weeks before Christmas; and Detective Throckmorton is convincing them to stop Justin from a glut of pickpocketing secrets. Agent Soucheray arrives at a nearby enclosed shopping center just for a few minutes - but be forwarned!

"Whoopee!" shout the Shadow Busters.

Says Detective Throckmorton: "Shadow Busters investigators are on duty!"

Agent Dean asks Detective Throckmorton, "Throck, would you mind if you, Lt. Link, Rodney, Sgt. Harry, Professor Watson and Commissioner Tapp go after Justin Palmer and solve the riddle?"

Shadow Buster Throck answers, "You go tell the Baltimore P.D. Chief of Detectives to examine the case.

"I dare you, Agent Woodward, to chase the pickpockets and counterfeiters, especially Justin Palmer, and shadow bust all of 'em before they go after him.

 "Now, let's get to the interrogation straight so that the United States Secret Serive can eradicated the bizarre, unexplained pickpocketing cases the mar fraud."

When the Shadow Busters race all over the mall, Detective Throckmorton is searching for some of the irrelevant conmen who snatch everything from many persons' pockets before the time is up. What is going on and off the fences is that Agent Holloway stares at some shopping-center guests steaking billfolds, credit cards and other necessities - and Detective Throckmorton vies for the wrong pickpocket Justin Palmer is tracking down.

"Some cases never change," says Katheryn, who is running after pickpocketing expert Sam O'Donnell.

"Wait!" cries Detective Throckmorton.

"I'm going to arrest you now!"

With his .100 caliber semi-automatic revolver shadow buster gun, Throckmorton is firing Shadow Busters insignia-shaped bullets at 3 of the pickpockets going after Justin. For an awesome race to capture him, Detective Throckmorton is gunning down 11 more master criminals which include 10 more conmen and conwomen picking all objects from many shopping-center guests' pockets. Katheryn and her crqack team of Shadow Busters law enforcement professionals and parapsychologists  find another corpse of goons stealing fewer items from other people.

"Hold it," Agents Soucheray and Holloway race toward the shopping-center entrance and fire more shoppers wuith their .44 caliber magnum revolver hand guns whithin 60 minutes.

Meanwhile, Detective Throckmorton punches the bad crooks and suspicious mall guests in their stomachs and whacks the security guards in the face with his right hand fist.

"Sgt. O'Donnell, you're under the gun!" warns Detective Throckmorton.

"Yes," Sgt. O'Donnell answers.

 Shadow Buster Throck races to Agent Dean and asks him, "Have I chased the pickpocketing shadows in a split-second?"

"All you have to do is to crack the case and arrest Mr. Artest and Mr. Holloway now," answers Agent Dean.

"Now what?" Agent Dean asks.

 "Simple," answers Detective Throckmorton."

"Give me the sign of enforcement!" Agent Dean shouts.

"Sorry, Agent Woodward," Shadow Buster Throck reminds the Shadow Busters Foundation agent.

"You fark, you loose!"

"Jinnimy Christmas!" quotes Agent Dean.

"I dare you to arrest Mr. Palmer before he comes to steal my shadow buster gun!" Shadow Buster Throck responds.

"What?" Agent Dean asks.

Detective Throckmorton tells Agent Dean, "No matter which pickpocket will be interrogated in a court of law, you really decide who'll be the billionth victim having trouble picking pockets in an enclosed mall.

"Convince the Maryland Highway Patrol, the Secret Service, the FBI, you name it... then I detect it."

"Big steal!" yells Agent Dean

Then Detective Throckmorton runs away for good, having searched for pickpocketed treasure in every retail store around the mall.

 Commissioner Tapp search for the remaining pickpocketing suspects on his smartphone and clicks on the Shadow Busters Foundation's official Web page for a top-secret photo of Palmer.

At the same time, Sgt. Harry is shooting another 45 mall guests in the coridors and kiosks.

Be forward, this could get nasty!

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