Rooting for Controversial Loot in Baltimore

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When the Shadow Busters are coming back to Baltimore for another 4-day and 3-night vacation, Justin Palmer is going to take away Maryland Police Department Homicide Investigator Matt Z. Bunting, who has been battled the Maryland Urban Mafia Squad gangsters for more than half a decade.

"Detective Throckmorton convinced the Baltimore P.D. to hunt down me," says Justin.


"Right," answers Detective Bunting.

"You take the brunt of enforcing the pickpockets and later gun down all of the counterfeiters who invaded Maryland by hard ways, more than everyone else in the larceny industry.

"Bad news for all Marylanders having trouble snubbing one pocket after another," Justin warns Detective Bunting over the conspiracy facing all pickpockets.

"Hip! Hip! Hooray! For... the U.S. Secret Service?" asks Detecive Bunting.

"Dumb criminals like you will steal everything out of many people's pockets, and the Baltimore P.D. rookie officers and the DEA team representatives from the FBI will seek those conspiracies affecting many pickpockets young and old alike who get their accomplices caught in Detective Broderick 'Shadow Buster' Throckmorton's crossfire," answers Justin.

"Fark you," shouts Detective Bunting.

"I;ve been farking over a breaking news story on concerning Agent Holloway's secret conspiracy when he did a pet peeve involving Agent Woodward in the Shadow Busters' hunt to capture me," Justin adds, "and, just in case the Shadow Busters, led by Detective Throckmorton and Commissioner Tapp, chase me and all of my pickpockets, they've done the case."

Detective Bunting says, "Well, Justin, you will be framed by Broderick Throckmorton, P.I., a.k.a. Shadow Buster Throck, when he and his Shadow Busters Foundation gang examine your own pickpocket-oriented cross-country missions.

"Fortunately, Detective Throckmorton, however, finds out who are the suspects involved in the Great Baltimore Pickpocketing Conspiracy of 2017?"

"It is him - Shadow Buster Throck - who could crack my case as soon as later this year. Whew!" expresses Justin.

"I dare you," warns Detective Bunting, "to go to and look up 'Fark Crime Files' before it is too tate!"

"If you pick my pocket right away, then you must go and chase these mysterious male human crime-solving wonks before Detective Throckmorton goes after..."

Justin then shoots Detective Bunting in the head, upper and lower chest and right arm with his .44 caliber semi-automatic revolver hand gun and runs away toward the sidewalks of downtown Baltimore, proving the Shadow Busters could take a beating and keep on shadow busting.

By the time Justin drives away in his Dodge self-driving automobile, the Shadow Busters study an evidence concerning the pickpocket going after his far-reaching suspects and their curiously reluctant foes. At the same time, the Baltikmore Police Department rookies go after Justin in a 50-miles freeway chase, as Detective Throckmorton shifts the Shadow Mobile to the right side of Highway I-75.

Katheryn is researching Justin's pickpocketing incidents through the past 8 years; and whether Detective Throckmorton decides over his investigation into the Great Baltimore Pickpocketing Conspiracy could determine the fate of Justin Palmer in dire straits.

"Agent Woodward will come up with a scheme to attempt to crack the case," says Sgt. Harry.

Detective Throckmorton interrogates, "Would you keep your cotton-picking mouth close?"

"Sure," Agent Dean opposes, "Sgt. Harry would love to solve the mystery of master magician and pickpocket Justin Palmer."

"Wait a minute, Agent Woodward," opposes Katheryn. "There are more opportunities ahead for the Shadow Busters as this investigation moves forward."

As the Great Baltimore Pickpocketing Conspiracy contiunes, Detective Throckmorton arrives in Westminster, where the Westminster P.D. is headquartered.

 Westminster Police Department Strike Force Investigator Lloyd Bunting tells the Shadow Busters how the Great Baltimore Pickpocketing Conspiracy began.

"I am Detective Bunting of the Westminster P.D., and here how Justin Palmer got caught in the crosshairs last week.

"Justin was stealing hundreds of billfords, wallets and other possessions from the pockets of more than 500-+ men and women throughout the State of Maryland, proving how powerful Justin Palmer was at snatching various items and currencies from jean, slack and jacket poc-kets.

 "As the Shadow Busters interrogate this case, I, Detective Lloyd Bunting, will conduct more re-search on the Great Baltimore Pickpocketing Conspiracy..."

"But wait, there's still more information concerning the Great Baltimore Pickpocketing Consp-iracy," shouts Detective Throckmorton.

Agent Dean says, "You, Detective Bunting, are cross-investigating Justin's pickpicketing scams - and why these scams could hurt high-stakes larceny at some point."

Shadow Buster Throck commands, "As your commander-in-chief of the entire Shadow Busters Foundation, I will commit to my entire Shadow Busters team as we unravel the case."

"Could you search for Justin now?" asks Detective Bunting.

"I am busting Justin's pickpocketing shadows and reverse the signs of larceny in a moment's notice, no matter the Shadow Busters crack the case," Detective Throckmorton responds.

"You're no good, Throck!" warns Detective Bunting.

"But to whom?" Commissioner Tapp queries.

"Here is why pickpocketing is BAD business," Detective Bunting shows the Shadow Busters how Detective Throckmorton can pick a revolver hand gun and a pair of hand cuffs right out of Com-missioner Tapp's police-uniform pockets.

"Amazing!" declares Agent Dean.

"Gee whiz!" shouts Rodney. "Go for it, Throck!"

"You still are casting the dice for the case!" Sgt. Harry surprises.

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