Aspiring the Ridiculous Pickpockets

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Commissioner Tapp, one of the Shadow Busters involved in the investigation into Justin Palmer's top-secret pickpocketing tactics, says, "Detective Throckmorton, convince Agent Woodward to crack the case of Mr. Palmer before Officer Dean Braddock of the Milwaukee Police Department examines Mr. Palmer's evidence.

"Right," says Lt. Link.

"Would you track down Justin Palmer?" Katheryn asks.

Commissioner Tapp answers, "Go find Justin Palmer before Officer Braddock goes after him."

Sgt. Harry asks, "What in the world is Shadow Buster Throck investigating, eh?"

"Uh, shut the f**k up," warns Commissioner Tapp. "I've got more to interrogate than Agent Woodward has a bottle of cod liver oil contaminated with plankton!"

"You are under fire from Shadow Buster Throck, the PI who's going after master magician and pickpocket Justin Palmer," Agent Dean replies.

"I, Agent Woodward, will now turn my attention to Detective Throckmorton's shadow busting law enforcement and paranormal and unexplained cases.

"This time, magician and pickpocket Justin Palmer is among the many Shadow Busters suspects casting shadows over law enforcement, the supernatural, the paranormal, the unexplained, and every major investigation in between.

"I am carrying my own semi-automatic revolver shadow buster gun called the Woodward .1000 Caliber Eradication Pistol; and one of the most mysterious reasons to use the Eradication Pistol is to shoot electrically charged bolts of shadow eradication at suspects old and young who have committed shadows of enforcement and paranormal activity within the enemy."

"Is this a quiz, Agent Woodward?" Rodney the Shadow Busting Magician asks Agent Dean Woodward a question.

"As far as you're concerned," Agent Dean answers, "I, Agent Woodward, will follow Shadow Buster Throck on future law enforcement, paranormal, and supernatural investigations."

"Ain't enough of your business," Commissioner Tapp says.

On January 17, 2018, the Shadow Busters drive their Shadow Mobile to Racine, Wisconsin.

"Better yet," says Detective Throckmorton, this is where S.C. Johnson & Son is based."

"Throck, one of the S.C. Johnson employees was kidnapped during the winter storm of 2018," Commissioner Tapp tells Shadow Buster Throck the truth.

"Big deal, Tapp!" says Detective Throckmorton.

Agent Dean tells Detective Throckmorton, "Unravel the case and conspire quickly as humanly possible."

"You're one of the investigators and paranormal experts who's been kicking tires when it comes to busting shadows during many investigations," says Commissioner Tapp.

             Katheryn says, "All of you Shadow Busters, especially you, Detective Throckmorton, let's bust Justin Palmer's shadow and find one or more S.C. Johnson employees who will be gunned down for good!

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