Chapter 8

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Marzia's pov.

It was a beautiful night. Felix and I were eating bunnies that I hunted. Panems anthem started playing and we saw who died today.

Ian - District 5
Phil - District 9

Only two died today. Thank goodness. We haven't met anyone yet, except for Mark, but he didn't attack us. He didn't even said a single word. Strange, because he's always so talkative.

We cuddled together and went to sleep. Tomorrow we'll search for other tributes and try to win.


Felix woke me up. I wanted to go back sleeping, but we had to get moving before anyone hostile finds us.

We packed our stuff and decided to go towards the river, because that's were all other tributes are going to be. I killed some birds on our way there too. Maybe they'll be useful later.

I leaned towards the river to get some water and accidentally dodged a knife that was supposed to hit me in the head. The second I turned around I saw Lilly's team. I shot an arrow in Joe's heart and killed him. Cannon shot. I looked at Felix with terrified look.

He had a knife going right through his head. I heard another cannon shot. His body smashed into the river and painted the water in it red. I froze in place. I couldn't get my eyes off of Felix's body. Colleen was about to hit me with a sword, but someone was faster and shot her in the arm.

"Marzia! Run!"-I heard Pj shouting.

I turned to his voice direction and saw Emma and Tiffany standing besides him. I ran towards them. Tiffany was shooting with her crossbow and Emma was throwing knives at them. Both groups fought for a bit, but we had to run because there were way more of them than us and were already hurt enough.

After running for about fifteen minutes we stopped to check on us. Pj had a few wounds on his hands, Tiffany got hit pretty bad in her leg and Emma had a knife sticking out of her shoulder. It wasn't really deep.

I was okay. At least on the outside.

"Marzia, you okay?"-Pj asked me kindly.

"I'm sad, but I knew that this was coming. He told me that he will sacrifice himself for me to win, but still really hurts to know that he's dead."-I answered quietly.

He hugged me and told that everything is going to be okay. I wanted to believe him.

"God dammit! She's going to pay for what she did! I can't believe that I was only able to leave a few wounds on her!"-Tiffany was shouting.

She was really angry. I asked Pj about it and he said that Lilly's team killed her teammates and she wants revenge.

"Don't worry Tiffany. I'm going to help you. For Felix."-I said in a really cold tone.

Everyone looked at me and Tiffany nodded her head. Now, I won't stop myself from killing people. I want a revenge. I will get a revenge and it's going to be painful.

Dan's (dannielhowell) pov.

I still can't believe what Anthony did. He killed Phil. Well, I guess Phil did killed Ian but still! After all, Ian was already really damaged when we found him. He was definitely stabbed a few times right before we arrived. And when Ian tried to kill me, Jack appeared out of nowhere and saved me. Did he stabbed Ian? I don't know, but what I do know is that Phil's dead, I'm alone and Anthony is out there ready to kill me too. I'll have to prepare to fight him anytime.

I heard one cannon shot after the other. What happened? Who died? It was from far away so that's good. I hope it was Anthony.

While I was hunting for food, I heard people running nearby and then stopping. Curious, I decided to see what's happening.

I found a really sad Marzia, a girl and a boy that I didn't know and raging Tiffany. They were all hurt really badly and now were helping each other with the wounds.

"God dammit! She's going to pay for what she did! I can't believe that I was only able to leave a few wounds on her!"-Tiffany was shouting.

"Don't worry Tiffany. I'm going to help you. For Felix."-said Marzia in a really cold tone.

Felix must've been killed by Lilly's team, I suppose. There's no other girls that are not in her team.

"Well at least I killed Joe. And his sister is pretty damaged from my poisonous arrows too."-Tiffany continued.

"There was one girl in their team that wasn't fighting tho."-pointed out the boy.

"Who was it Pj?"-asked the girl.

Pj. Now I remember. He has a channel called KickthePj. I was once a really big fan off him. I guess times changed.

"I don't know her name, but she came from the same district as Mark."-Pj said.

Mykie. I talked with her a little and she seemed nice. No wonder she didn't fought.

I decided to leave them, because even if they are pretty hurt, I have no chance of beating them. I don't want any more trouble then I have. I decided to go towards cornucopia and find something I could use.

Mark's (markiplier) pov.

I was picking stuff from Lilly's camp. She was gone somewhere with her team and left the camp unguarded. I decided to steal from them, because there's pretty much nothing useful left in cornucopia. I got a new axe, a bunch of food, few knifes and daggers and some matches. Like seriously, who leaves their camp unguarded?! How did she got 10 points will remain as a secret forever.

I left a little note to her that I was here. I carved a giant M in a tree in the middle of her now destroyed camp. At least she would know who did this to her. That's for not letting me get what I wanted last time.

I continued walking through the forest not really caring. I mean, everyone is afraid of me. Besides, the only one being a threat is Lilly and she's nowhere near me and to be honest, I would have heard her shouting from a mile away. I have already, so she's no thread. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't really seen anyone besides her team and Marzia with Felix. I have heard people screaming, but I never went towards them. I'm maybe strong and have a big ego, but I'm not dumb either.

After walking for a few hours I found Bob roaming around. We both got our weapons out.

"Hey Bob."

"Hey Mark."

"How are you? Anything new?"

"Not really. My friend sacrificed himself for some douche the first day and I still have no will to fight."

"Then I won't have to do it either."-I putted my axes away and he did the same with his cleaver.

We talked a little with each other like we did back in the capital. I gave him a bit of my food, because I have enough to survive for weeks and he was running out of it, and gave him some weapons too. Then we went separate ways.

It was getting late so I decided to find a good enough tree to sleep in. I don't feel safe on the ground.

As I was eating my apples Panems anthem started playing.

Felix - District 1
Joe - District 11

Huh, Felix died. Poor dude. I really liked him. Poor Marzia. She must feel horrible right now. I feel sorry for her. I should've talked with them or became allies when I met them. I could've prevented that from happening so soon. Instead I did nothing and scared them away. I feel horrible.

So this means that only Marzia and Jack are the only friends alive that I have. I haven't heard anything from that guy since the games started. That's probably for the best, because now I feel like I don't know who he is anymore. He always looked so kind, sweet, cute and week and he scored 11. I'll have to be careful.

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