Chapter 11

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Sean's (jacksepticeye) pov.

We settled our camp when suddenly we heard a cannon shot in the distance.

"Who do you think it belonged to?"-Mark asked me.

"Probably Anthony or Dan"-I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why do you think that it's them? It could be anyone"-he said.

"Because yesterday earlier, before I met you, I ran past Dan and told him where he could find Anthony."-I replied. I started making a fire so we could cook ourselves dinner.

Mark still not satisfied continued asking:

"But why would Dan be after Anthony?"

His questions made me froze. I covered my mouth and started trembling. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I remembered how Ian tried to kill me, how I left him for Phil to kill, how Anthony saw that and killed Phil and how I saved Dan afterwards leaving Anthony with really bad injuries. Mark looked very concerned at me. A few tears came out of my eyes, but I quickly brushed it off.

"Let me tell you what happened..."-I told Mark everything that happened that day.

"Jeez, that's harsh man. I'm sorry that you had to go through that."-Mark looked really sad.

I just laughed it off and said:

"Nah, it's okay. We're in arena where people kill each other. It's nice to have someone to talk to here."

We heard another cannon shot.

"Well, that means that there's only eight people left including us."-Mark said. He grabbed one of the bunnies that we cooked and started eating. "Better enjoy it while we can."

Mark looked so positive. It didn't take me a long time to get his positivity too. I smiled and grabbed another bunny.

Marzia's pov.

Dan - District 6
Anthony - District 3

Thank goodness it's not my friends. Although, I can't kill them either. I hope that they are okay.

I was patrolling for a few hours. Everyone else was sleeping. I'll have to tell them who died tomorrow. I wanted to have some time alone.

I was looking in the nights sky. It was full of stars. I could even see the milky way. Back at home when I used to stargaze with Felix, we couldn't really see it often. Our district was full of lights that blocked the sky's view. I really miss those nights with Felix. We would go outside, bring food and drinks and cuddle up under a blanket. Now, those days are gone and they will never come back. I still miss Felix a lot. I'll never forget him. I let tears drop from my eyes.

While stargazing I saw a smoke from far away. Someone created a camp fire. Dumbass. They are going to get killed. Or come to think of it, everyone is probably too scared to check it out or are sleeping.

After a few hours, I shook Pj.

"Wake up sleeping beauty. It's your turn."-I whispered to him.

He sat up and drank some water. He let me go to sleep, promising that he will protect me. Pj was one of the people that I really trusted here. He always acted so nice. I'm happy to be protected by someone that nice.

Lilly's (superwoman) pov.

So, there's only seven people left to kill. Although they are really tough. Pj and Emma are really good fighters, not to mention Tiffany. Mykie is a smart girl, but I never saw her fight. Jack has scored the most points, but I don't think he has killed anyone yet, although Anthony looked really angry when he mentioned him yesterday. Mark (if he's not teamed up with Jack) is alone, but he is really tough too. I'm going to try and find Mykie, she must pay for leaving me.

Marzia is probably the weakest one to kill. How terrified she looked when I killed her boyfriend. She is in team with Pj, Emma and Tiffany, but it's not going to be hard. She's my next target.

I ate my last fruits and left to find their camp. I saw smoke coming from nearby so I decided to check it out. Maybe if I'm lucky enough, I can kill someone tonight.

I saw a campfire. Whoever was here, left already leaving old bandages behind. I saw some animal bones too. There was nothing useful, so I continued my journey.

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