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Sean's pov.

Things are not going well in here.

It's been two months since the soldiers rescued me, Mark and Marzia from the arena. The flight was very long and we took no breaks. Now, we're in a place called UK or more specifically England. The soldiers let us pick a place to live in for now. We chose a city called Brighton. I like this place. It's big, but not too crowded. It was near a sea too. People around here are very nice, but........... we can't stay here for long.

Since we left the arena, I wasn't very happy with my life. I can't bring myself to doing YouTube again and... soldiers told us, that first, second and forth districts were bombarded. Nobody survived. All that happened because of us.

Signe's death was unbearable. The first few days were extremely painful for me, but as time passed by, I accepted her death as my fault. Of course, Marzia helped me a lot. Her presence and calming words helped me accept it, but Mark wasn't doing that well. He's still grieving for his family, friends and Amy, his girlfriend. He lost four of his closest friends in one night. That was too much for the big guy. He wasn't talking with us for a month. Now, he's stronger than ever, because he's powered by his need for revenge. I hope he'll get over with it.

Here, in Brighton, we are not living a normal life not worrying about a thing. No, they want us to fight in a war as a "thank you" for saving us. That's the worst thing that could happen right after the arena. When we first heard that statement we were against it, but we didn't have a choice. We had to agree. For the past two months all we did was train, and train, and train. Most of the training that we had back home was useless now. In these wars they use guns, plains, war ships and nukes. And we're stressing out about these things. The arena, the deaths of our friends, the death of Signe, it's all too much for me to handle. Sometimes I wish the soldiers didn't rescued us and killed us instead.

But for times like these I have Mark and Marzia. They've been nothing but support for me.

Marzia has turned from the cute and innocent girl, to a strong and independed woman. She's been helping everyone the most and in training for the war, she's nearly the best in man's group, beating all the womans, and she's just below me and Mark.

Mark is definitely a different man now than before the games or even after them. He's been training very hardly and sometimes doesn't even have time or will to be with us. I'm just scared that revenge will take completely over him and it will be the death of him. I hope that won't happen.

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Sean? It's time."-said Marzia's sweet voice.

I exhaled deeply. I don't want to go. I don't want to see it. I don't want to see them. The dead bodies of my old friends. They are taking us back to what once we knew as Panem. Now, it's a war zone, that we are going to live or die in.

I closed the book that I was trying to read. It didn't interested me that much. It was just an excuse to play "Cuphead" soundtrack in the background. I turned it of too. I'll probably never hear it again. Oh well.

I opened the door and saw worried faces of Mark and Marzia. They were dressed in their soldier uniforms, just like me. I sighed and said:

"Let's go then."

We left our little house that we lived in for a couple of months. It was nice to live in it even if it was temporary. The car was already waiting for us. We jumped in and it drove off.

I sat by the window and watched as the simular streets of Brighton passed by us. Soon, we were driving through the plains to the airport. When we arived we were greated by other soldiers, our comarads. In the airport we were given our guns and supplies. By the time we went on the plain I was nearly crying and screaming. I really didn't wanted to go back.

I was starting to tremble. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I can't do this, I can't! Suddenly, I felt a manly hand in mine and stronger, smaller on my shoulder. I looked back to see my friends faces, smiling at me.

"Sean, it's going to be okay."-said Mark.

"We'll survive."-said Marzia.

I wiped my tears of and chuckled.

"We'll do it. Together."

A/N ~ And that's the end of this story! I really hopped you enjoyed reading it! This book may, or may not will have a sequel, but that will have to wait, because I have way too many ideas for other books. Still, I hipe you liked it!


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