Chapter 15

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Sean's (jacksepticeye) pov.

I opened my eyes. Mark was sleeping next to me. He must've felt asleep when he was patrolling. I decided not to wake him up and instead make us both something to eat.

I felt better now. I got a little emotional yesterday in front of Mark. I've never showed this side of me to anyone. I always acted happy when I was surrounded by people. I wonder what he's thinking about me now? What does everyone else think of me? The Panem? The people at home? Signe? Especially Signe. She must scared. Living alone in a place like this could really get to people. I know that it got to me. I changed a lot since I arrived here. The Jack that people know and love has completely perished in the arena. Now it's only Sean.

About half an hour later Mark opened his eyes. He looked around surprised and then turned his face to me.

"Sorry. For felling asleep like that."-he said while scratching his nape.

"It's okay. We needed as much sleep as we could get for today. Who knows, maybe it was our last one?"-I replied to him.

"Don't say that."

We fell into an awkward silence. After we ate our breakfast we checked our supplies. We got rid of all the weapons we thought that we didn't need. I only kept two swords and a knife and Mark his two axes and a dagger.

"Let's do this."-Mark said and looked at me.

I nodded with a sad look on my face. If we manage to kill Lilly, we will have to kill each other. And I don't want that.

Mark gave me an assuring smile and we started walking.

Although I scored the most points I was still really scared. We are strong, but Lilly is unpredictable. She's not really smart, but as Mark told me she went a little insane. We've got to be careful. Very  careful.

"Hey! Sean! Look over here!" - Mark interrupted my thoughts.

I went to check out what got him confused. And I saw it too.

This place looked like a fight scene. Blood was everywhere. Bloody swords, knives, daggers were laying here too. But what got me confused that there was a bunch of arrows laying on the ground. Some had blood on them and others were clean.

"Do you think that it happened here?"-I asked Mark.

"I'm sure. And I bet this belonged to Marzia."-he picked up a quiver.

"Poor girl"-I shook my head. Her life here must've been a horrible nightmare for her. Thrown in the arena, having to witness the love of her life being killed and her friends dying all around her, just to die a horrible death in the end. This world is messed up.

We couldn't look at this place anymore so we continued our journey. We had to stop for a while to rest. It felt really silent. Too silent.

I look around. Something shiny caught my eye. It was an... arrow? pointing at the center of Mark's head from a bush? Wait a minute....

My eyes widen when realization hit me. I jumped on Mark pushing him from a place where he was sitting a minute ago. Luckily it only left a small bruise on my nape.

"Sean?! What the actual...?! Oh."

The arrow behind us was stuck in a tree having a little of my blood on it. I touched my nape only to find my blood on my fingers.

"You-you're bleeding."-Mark whispered scared.

"Never mind that! Someone in that bush tried to kill you!"- I pointed in the direction that arrow came from.

I could hear leaves and branches crisp as she tried to get away.

Mark was now boiling with anger. No trail of fear left in his face, only rage.

"COME BACK HERE LILLY!! I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF YOU BITCH!!"-he got up and started chasing after her.

He was really scary like this. Having no other option I chased after him.

Being very fast it wasn't a big problem for me to catch up to him. He still looked really angry. I look around and pointed out to him.

"Mark, look. We're soon going to hit into the cornucopia pretty soon. We can catch her there. Until then... calm down! The anger is tiring you! We need all the strength that we can get!"

"Okay! Okay. I'm calm."-he replied.

Now he looked way better and had new strength to catch her.

I was right. We bursted into the plains and in the middle stood the beautiful, yet extremely deadly cornucopia.

The girl in front of us was with a dark hoodie, her brown hair trailing behind her hood. Wait? Brown hair? And in her pale hand was a bow? And on her back a quiver? Wait a minute...

She got an arrow from her back and put it in the bow. The minute she stoped and turned around I pushed Mark out of the way and thank God was quick enough to duck and avoid her arrow.

Mark pushed himself up and his eyes widened from shock. I look at the same direction he was looking just to found the girls hood to be down.

In front of us she stood in a battle position, pointing her bow and arrow at us.


A/N ~ Oh boy! This is getting pretty exciting! There's only one chapter left and an epilogue afterwards! I hope you're enjoying this story, because it's about to end!

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