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I am hoping you know what everything means but here is a guide. Oh and sorry for no pic or anything my internet is like NOPE!

(F/n)= First name

(L/n)= Last name

(H/c)= Hair color

(E/c)= Eye color

(H/l)= Hair length and I think that's all for now...


A cold day... That's all I can remember.

Have you ever died, what am I saying you are reading this so you have to be alive. (NO BREAKING FOURTH WALL!) The feeling of death is...somewhat nice, feeling like everything is complete with nothing more for you to do.

Until you get pulled right back.

*Years Later*

Hey, My name is (F/n) (L/n) I am currently 100 feet below the ground. Why? Well because people are 'looking' for me. Who? Well let's see Police, Scientists, Killers, random people, oh and did I mention Police? Nothing has gone right for me ever since my 'death.'

I was 8 years old, living with my 2 big brothers. One of my big brothers was talking about how one day he was going to be a warden at a police facility so that everyone who deserves to be punish for their crimes gets what comes to them.

"Why do you want to be a po-po?" I asked him. He looked down and smiled at me. "So I can protect the family including you and Hitoshi, (f/n)." he told me. "I am strong nothing can hurt me" I said flexing my fake 8 year old muscles. "Yeah (F/n) is right nothing can touch her!" Hitoshi cheered me on as I kept flexing.

A little later that night I was sleeping in my room, while across the hall was my big brothers right next to one another. We all heard a little knock at the door. "ug don't they understand when I say I don't want to buy what they are selling I mean it." Hajime grumbled. "I will tell them to go away I am fearless big brother!" I yelled pumping my fist up to the air. 

The truth was my big brother was overworking himself, and he needed this sleep. "Okay, consider this your training little troop!" he said as I saluted to him. He then walked off and went back into his room. 

I walked down the stairs to the door. Then people then knocked again but a lot harder this time. While I was smaller I wondered why but brushed it off as nothing. I opened the door and saw a man at the door holding a switchblade. As soon as he saw me he smirked.

"Didn't know anyone was stupid enough to open the door without checking" he said charging at me. "AHHH!" I screamed trying to turn around but it was too late. Right in the middle of my neck. He slit my throat open, I felt the world around me slow down.

I was my two brothers run down the stairs wide-eyed. The man was just smiling while bringing the blade up to his mouth. I slowly felt the red liquid drip down my neck and I felt my breath slowing. I knew I was dying, but I honestly didn't care. This doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

The next thing I knew the man who had got me was on the floor unconscious. Hitoshi was at my side lifting me up, while Hajime was running over after dealing with the man. "(F-F/n) S-Stay with u-us" Hitoshi begged while warm tears were staining his face. Hajime looked at me with regret and I knew what he was thinking, he thought it was his fault.

"I-I *cough* M*cough* Made an u*cough* uh-oh *cough* *cough*" I said smiling or at least trying to. "YOU DUMB SHIT SHUT UP!" Hajime shouted while he had his hand on my neck trying to stop the bleeding. I slowly put my hand over his and closed my eyes still smiling. "(F/N)!!!!" I heard my two brothers scream and then...I was gone.

The next thing I knew I was underground in a small space, With no air. "HELP!" I screamed then going into shock. I just screamed when my throat was slit, I'm ALIVE after my throat was slit. I touched my throat to feel nothing just my skin.

"Hello?" I heard a muffled voice. "Someone buried me help!" I screamed back and heard a shovel dig into dirt. A little while later I was out and thanking the old man who had helped me. I told him I had to go and said have a nice night, not questioning why I was buried. My first thought was going home.

I ran and ran back to my old home. There was my old house, but the door was open. Afraid something happened to my brothers I ran inside without a second though. "HAJIME! HITOSHI!" I screamed but no reply. I went in all the rooms to see nothing there.

I knew what happened, they moved. I couldn't blame them, they just saw me die? I didn't know anymore. I felt something calling my name, I turned to see the switchblade the man had killed me with, still stained with my blood.

I picked it up and it felt...nice. I grabbed some wire from one of the cabinets thankfully it was still there. I used my steal ear piece I had been wearing to make a hole in the rubber part of the switchblade. I then put the sire through the hole. I wrapped the bottom of the switchblade in this. My gloves helped so I didn't get cut at all.

I tried it out, I stabbed it into the wall, then pulled on the wire making a huge hole in the wall, an effective way to take people out. I started walking to our old bathroom to see if anything I could be able to use was still in there. I walked into the bathroom to see my face. 

I have a scar of a giant cut on my neck that was a lighter color of my skin than the rest of my body. My (H/l) (H/c) hair looked like a total mess. My eye, My left eye was changed from (e/c) to red. (if you already have red eyes than purple) Everything looked normal, other than the giant 0 in the middle of my eye in a darker shade of red.

And thus began my new life, of killing to survive, of being alone,

I am...


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