☣ The Perverts☣

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I am going to start some more romance so get ready, oh and if you want someone to suggest the next chapter to have some romance in please don't be afraid to say in the comment. And I don't know why but I feel like the song above is Honey and Trois' song.


Today was as normal as the last, well I mean if you count being in a jail, playing jokes of Hajime one of your older brothers that no one will know, getting a new warden if Jail #3 your other brother Hitoshi again no one knows of. 

Trying to escape for the prison multiple times, I can't really say that because whenever Jyugo got caught I would stop too not wanting to show him up, but I will one day. When Hajime finally got me and Jyugo he started yelling about how he was working too much because we kept trying to escape.

After Hajime yelling at us I watched as Jyugo yelled through the bars saying he was bored. "SHUT THE HELL UP THIS IS JAIL YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO HAVE FUN!!!" Hajime screamed back at Jyugo who just pouted.

"Hey Zero-chan wanna watch some anime with me?" Nico asked but I shook my head. "Sorry I'm not in the mood" I said and he sadly nodded and walked away. "Are you alright Zero you seem a little different my love" Uno said and to be honest I was getting annoyed at how he called me love.

"I'm. Fine." I told him and he turned around and walked away without a second thought. I noticed Rock wasn't in the cell with the rest of us, knowing he wasn't trying to escape I asked Hajime. "Where's Rock?" He looked at me then looked into the cell "Most likely training" He said and turned back around.

"No fair why are you nice to Zero but not usss!!!~" Jyugo whined as if he switched bodies with Uno.

*3rd person pov*

The truth is Hajime didn't know why he was way more nice to Zero than everyone else, no matter what he did he always seemed to have a nicer tone with her than everyone else. There is just something inside of him telling he shouldn't be too hard on the (h/c) haired female.

"Where is the training area?" The (h/c) haired girl asked the guard in hopes of going out there. "I'll take you there" hajime told her. "You all BETTER stay here" He said before opening the door and grabbing Zero's hand.

As both Hajime and Zero were walking down the hallway Zero couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching her. She looked around and then looked at Hajime seeing he was looking straight ahead so it wasn't him.

'Who the hell is watching me' Zero thought annoyed. Then something hit her as hard as being hit by a train, well in thought that is. She left her bunny. "H-Hajime my bunny" She told him slightly stuttering thinking about not having him.

Suddenly Hajime jumped when those words left Zero's mouth. "stay here I will get the bunny" he said and started to full on sprint to the room. Zero stayed in the spot and sadly someone walked by her, Kiji.

"MY SMALL LITTLE ZERO!~" Kiji sang as he jumped onto the young girl hugging her. Zero looked to the side to see 2 other males with Kiji.

 Zero looked to the side to see 2 other males with Kiji

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"Oh my dear Zero these are my two prisoners, 3 and 83. Also known as Trois and Honey. Zero looked at the two who looked back at the girl with a somewhat hungry look in their eyes. 'Oh god' Zero thought to herself.

At this she couldn't help but think about Uno and how they seemed to be just like him. 'God damn she's hot' Honey thought to himself looking at the female, studying her every inch. 'Damn' the man known as Trois though.

Both honey and trois noticed one another's sights on the female in front of them. "So your name is Zero?" Trois asked the girl and she simply nodded. "What a lovely name for a girl such as yourself" Honey said as if he was melting.

Zero felt awkward in this so as soon as the two boys began talking about her she took this moment to leave. She went back to her cell to see everyone in the cell again, including Hajime. "What's going on?" Zero asked them and they all sighed. 

"there's nothing to doooooooooooooooooo~" Jyugo whined and a tick mark appeared on Hajimes head. "HOW MANY DAMN TIMES ARE YOU GONNA SAY THAT" He yelled at number 15.

Then 3 other people came in, can you guess who? That's right the same people Zero also known as (F/n) was trying to get away from. "oh hey Trois and Honey" Nico said smiling at the two males. "Why does no one notice me" Kiji said dramatically.

Then both Honey and trois walk up to Zero. "What color is your underwear?" Asked Honey as if he was asking for a tissue. "Excuse me..." Zero asked slightly confused. "Honey what are you doing" Trois said. 'thank god' Zero thought "You need to ask her bra color first" Trois continued.

"Oh yeah I forgot they were worse than Uno" Rock said going back to whatever he was doing in the corner. 

*Reader's POV*

When they asked me this I didn't know how to answer. I let a blush creep up onto my face. It's not that I didn't know what to do, it's that I didn't know myself what the color of my underwear and bra were.

I pulled my shirt out a little and looked down, shocking the males in the room. (by the way (F/n) means Favorite color) "(F/c) for my bra" I said and then pulled out my pants a little bit from the side. "And same color panties" I said.

Both Honey and Trois had nose bleeds and fell over, almost everyone in the room was blushing at my statements. To be honest I was screaming at myself for saying that also,

but that's the only way to deal,

with stupid perverts. 

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