Little A/N but please read :3

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heya readers! I hope you like my story so far I do at least 1,000 words per chapter and I haven't had one where it wasn't like that.

The reason I'm making this is just to update and tell you a few things, such as dates I will update and how far this is gonna go and yeah.

Well I am gonna update every 2-3 days, 3 if I am just you know writing but if I get inspired I normally write every 2 days so yeah!

As for how far this is gonna go I don't really know to be honest, I am hoping it will go on for a good amount of time, not like 104 chapters but not like 10 either.

I know it seems like there isn't really much going on in the story, but that's just because of how I am going to build it up it gives it more of a kick if you do it that way.

Because what would you rather have:

1. Zero meets everyone Hajime looks at her "(F/N) YOU'RE ALIVE!?!" or

2. After a while I started to look at Zero's files and that's when I knew

And no that's not why it's gonna go but i just wanted to make an example I know I'm weird. And I am gonna ask ya a question so I hope you answer in the comments.

What are you gonna be for Halloween? And if you don't celebrate Halloween then do you have any plans for October 31st?

I know I do! But anyways there is an A/N for now 

see ya in the next chapter :3

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