☣You Never Realize What You Have☣

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I turned around quickly at the sound of that terrible voice. 


That one word made shivers go down my spine and I felt as if the whole world was against me. I turned around almost instantly seeing his screwed up face.

"How have you been doll?" He said walking closer to me as I took a step back

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"How have you been doll?" He said walking closer to me as I took a step back. I remembered him, he was the one who told me to keep on killing who made me who I am today.

I thanked him at the time, but now realize that was my biggest mistake. "What the hell do you want?" I asked poison dripping off every word that left my mouth.

"Ohhh did I catch someone at the wrong time?" he chuckled at his own comment. "Yeah you did, I wish you didn't catch me ever again" I spat right back at him. His face went from amused to serious.  

"Is that how you speak to your king?" he asked getting closer to me. "Please direct me to him so I may pay my respects, because all I see is garbage" I said with hate in every word. This just made him more and more mad.

"I knew you were a little slut, but really acting like a little bitch to get my attention didn't know you would go this low" He said in a deep voice smiling wider if that was even possible. I was about to respond to his comment when he put his hand over my mouth.

I tried to struggle out of it but both of his hands were around me one on my mouth and the other around my hip keeping me in place. "Shut Up" he said sternly as he looked to the side. I started to hear footsteps and started to hope it was someone I knew.

Then the footsteps started to go away 'Fuck' I thought to myself. He didn't take his hands off my mouth and hip when the footsteps were gone he kept them there looking down at me. He evil smiled turned into a slight smirk.

Then all I saw was darkness.

*Hajime's POV*

I was going to cell 13 in the early morning. I heard people talking and I looked inside to see everyone but Zero inside of the cell. They all noticed me and ran up to the door.

"okay Hajime why the hell did you kidnap Zero so early? Did you rape her or something?" Jyugo asked me. 'R-Rape!?' I thought and then realized something. He said 'Why the hell did you kidnap Zero' which meant she wasn't there.

"What do you mean she isn't here?" I asked them getting slightly worried and mad. They all looked at me weirdly.

"You mean you didn't take her out of the cell early?" Rock asked starting to bite down on the end of his thumb. 

"NO WHY THE HELL WOULD I!?!" I screamed back at them. They all flinched well other than number 15 he just stood there like nothing happened.

"Then why isn't she in here?" 69 (I can't stop laughing when I write that) asked me. "How the hell would I know" I answered and then realized I was the warden and opened the door.

"Okay this is what's gonna happen" I said getting everyone to look at me. "You are gonna go around the prison not escaping" I Looked at number 15 "and look for Zero, while I am going to be in the office looking for her" I said.

I handed them a mic. "If I see her I will tell you from this, and if you see her you will tell me from here got it?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Good" I said and started to walk to the office. 'Where the hell could Zero be?' I thought to myself as I walked along the halls.

I knocked on the door and heard a 'come in' and walked into the door. I was greeted by the warden and my brother.

"Can I use the camera's?" I asked the warden and she gave me a confused look.

"Why do you need to use them?" She asked and I could see that my brother was wondering the same thing as the warden.

"Zero seems to have gone missing, she wasn't in her cell" I told them and saw Hitoshi's eye's grow wide. He quickly walked out of the door and started running down the hall.

While I was confused the warden started to get the camera's out for me to use. "Please find her soon, I have some questions to ask her" she said and I nodded.

*3rd person with the cell mates*

While they were all running Rock stopped to get food only to be pulled my Uno. Nico was being really emotional and crying the whole time only to be hit by Jyugo.

"Stop being a baby" He said sternly at Nico and all he did in response was sniff. They were running down the halls looking left and right even up and down for Zero.

They couldn't find her, they knew she was good at sneaking around but not even Hajime has said anything yet. 

"hehe" They all heard a creepy laughing in a small room. They all decided to go into the room. Inside of the room they saw Zero's bunny on the chair and Nico started crying more yelling "SHE'S DEAD!"

"Glad you could all make it" A cheery voice said. They all turned around to be met with a man with pointy ears, sharp teeth and blonde hair.

"Who the hell are you?" Rock asking in a deep voice to make himself seem threatening. 

"I guess you can say, the caretaker of Zero" he said in response smirking making the other growl. (Bork Bork)

"WHAT THE H-" Before Uno could finish the man was holding him by the neck.

"My name is Elf and I am the caretaker of Zero, I will be taking 'Care' of her from now on so  if you could please not bother us I would be happy" He said smiling then licked his lips.

"You are all stupid for not paying attention" he continued making everyone give a confused look at the man.

"You never realize what you have,"


Yep I'm ending it there. And sorry I haven't updated I am also starting a Fairy Tail fanfiction and I have like 15 more books waiting to get published but naw I gotta finish this XD

Anyway hope you enjoyed!

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