☣It still hurts☣

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 I didn't put it in here but Mino has been moved to another cell because everyone was too weirded out by her so Reader-Chan is safe. And thank you for all the support on this I really love writing and this is a good way to show it :)


I quickly sat up and grabbed the side of my face where I had been slapped. It was going to leave a red hand print on the side of my face later. I get he was my brother but I started to feel the blood boil in my body from him hitting me.

"WH-" Before I could finish my sentence he hit me again but on the other side of my face. I was getting pissed now, I tried to calm down but then he picked up my bunny and threw it outside of the cell door.

He then walked back over to me and held my face in his hands. "What?" I asked in an annoyed tone. I wanted all this to be over I have already had a long day and I wasn't going to deal with more shit.

*Flashback and Hitoshi's POV*

I walked out of the room with tears on the sides of my eyes. I kept thinking about (F/n) there was no way she was alive. I watched her die in front of me, I had to watch my little sister die right before my eyes.

I will never get that image out of my mind, it's a curse to my brother and I. 'There is no way, there is no way' I kept repeating to myself until I finally understood my own hypnoses. I walked into the file room, this room kept everything having to do with the people who were in the prison.

I knew that it wouldn't have much about Zero but I need to try and see if I could find anything else about her. I went to the drawer for building 13 and saw everyone's files. I went to the end of the list and there was Zero.

It didn't even have her last name, it just said Zero on it. I remembered the picture that fell out of her rabbit and took the file with me. I walked to the door and left the prison and went to the city.


I finally made it, I was standing in front of my old home. I went inside and everything was gone just like I remembered. I went to look in some old drawers to see if what I had left was still there.

I remember putting a switchblade down along with thread and other supplies that we didn't need. I saw the switchblade and thread was gone but that could have just been a little kid taking it or something.

I looked down at the file and read something that caught my eye

'Zero is known for having a long and short range weapon. From the looks it is a switchblade with a long thread attacked to it. She uses it to throw at people then pull the thread making it spin inside of the person assuring their death.'

I couldn't believe my eyes, this all had to be a coincidence. I knew one more place that could prove if this was really her or not. I started to make my way to her grave.

Once I finally got there I saw her grave looked normal, I knew if she was alive the grave would be dug up. I didn't have the heart to dig out her grave where she could be resting in piece. I walked away knowing that Zero was not (F/n) and that my little sister, is gone.

*Another time skip*

I was getting mad hitting the walls as I walked along the halls. Why, why did she remind me of her. I then started to think about (F/n)'s angelic smile. But then I soon remembered Zero's smile. 

(Kid above, adult below)

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(Kid above, adult below)

So why did they look so alike!?! I felt tears start falling down my cheeks

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So why did they look so alike!?! I felt tears start falling down my cheeks. Then something inside my head clicked.

*Flashback of Flashback?*

"Hitoshi, Hajime!" The little (F/n) yelled at she was eating at the dinner table. "Yes (F/n)" Hajime asked looking down at her. "You know what my favorite number is?" She asked with a bright smile on her face.

"Uhh 69" (get it? no okay) I asked tilting my head to the side only to be smacked on the back of the head by Hajime. "hehe" I said smiling. "Nope" she said popping the p.

"It's Zero! It doesn't have anything to go with it, it works with everyone like I love everyone!" I smiled and threw her hands up into the air. All I could do was smile down at her.

*End of flashback in flashback*

"Zero" I mumbled and I started to walk to the cell, I saw Rock carrying Nico on his back while Nico started whining. I walked inside to see Zero, I then walked up and smacked her.

*End of ALL flashbacks*

I started to cry and clutched my shirt where my chest was. "It still hurts" I said as I looked at her, she had a shocked and mad look on her face. "Zero, It's your favorite number right?" I asked slightly smiling while tears still ran rapid down my face.

I saw her eyes went wide before turning back to normal. "Nope" she said, and she did it. She popped the "p" just like (F/n) would do. "You like popping the 'p' don't you" I asked her. She went wide eyed again before turning back to normal once again.

"Are you who I think *breath* you are" I asked trying to keep a steady breath as I was talking to- maybe my baby sister. "If you think I'm a killer named Zero then you would be right" she said and I looked at her to see a straight face.

'N-No way I-I w-was wrong...' I thought to myself but I wasn't going to give up. "You took the switchblade the man killed you with" I stated trying to get her to tell me who she really was.

"Killer? what killer I found this switchblade in an alleyway after a murder." she said as if it was nothing, was it nothing? Was I really wrong and I am just harassing this innocent- wait no she is a murderer. Am I just harassing this inmate to fill my own allusions.

"Are you done yet" She asked me annoyed. I couldn't take it I stood up quickly and speed walked out of the room. 'She can't fool me' I thought slightly smiling. 'I'll keep it a secret for now' I sadly thought while returning to my duties.

*Reader's POV*

I felt the warm tears drip down my face as Hitoshi left the room, I had a chance to be with my brother again but I didn't take it. I knew what was going to happen if I did. Something was going to go wrong and I was going to end up killing him.

Which reminds me he threw my bunny into the hallway I need to get that. I walked to the door and opened it and looked to see my bunny sitting on the floor. 

"You still have that little bunny, dolly" A voice said behind me as I picked up my rabbit.


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