☣This IS my home☣

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OH SHIZ! NEXT CHAPTER IS DA LAST I DON'T WANNA GO ;-;. Don't worry the next one will rap it up really good, and yes better then this. I wanna see if someone can guess what is going to happen so please guess in the comments.

Oh and I am making another book called 'The unsolved mystery of Haruka Nakamoto' Sooooooooooo feel free to read it *WINK* *WINK*


I walked down a random road that I happened to find. There was nothing really special about it, I just seemed to be pulled to it.

As I was walking I heard people talking.

"Ready for another day Kamia!" a woman seemed to yell at someone else.

"You bet Grandma!" a younger voice yelled back, assuming its a female by the tone of it.

"Morning Kamia" A older and male voice said as more footsteps were heard.

"Morning Mr.Morse" The young voice then called again. Seeing as everyone calling her Kamia I am going to say that's her name.

"Oh Kamia, are you going to babysit Makoto tonight?" Another woman called to kamia, at this point I wanted to see what was going on. I slowly walked a little faster until I got to a really busy street.

Seeing so many people outside was new for me, I haven't seen this many people since I was younger.

"Yep! I can't we are gonna have the best time! Oh I need to head to school" Kamia then yelled back and answered. I heard footsteps going fast further away. I decided to finally pass this town and walk down it.

"Good morning dear" The first woman's voice said as I turned to my right to see her standing there. 'Is she really not scared of me?' I questioned myself looking at the female.

"G-Good morning" I said and almost questioned. She had a bright smile on and didn't seem like she knew who I was. Other's started saying good morning as I just stood there confused.

"D-Do you know who I am?" I asked, it most likely wasn't a good idea but then again what do I have to lose.

"Oh yes, Zero correct? You saved a dear friend of mine from a rapist I thank you" The mans voice said to me as I turned to the left to see him there.

"N-No problem do you k-" before I could finish another little girl then walked up to me a hugged my leg.

"Da nanbaka pwison is dat way miss" She said in a cute little voice pointing straight ahead. I didn't understand how she knew where I was going to ask to go.

"Thanks..." I said as I started walking the direction. I didn't really want to talk to anyone else. As I walked I faintly heard "She's so good, she has the chance to escape yet she goes back."

I couldn't help but smile at this. As I continued I saw a girl who looked about 15 standing looking around. I looked over a little to see a school not to far down.

"Are you alright?" I asked and she told me how she had lost the way to her school.

"I want to get good grades for my family, I can't imagine what they would be like if I didn't. I mean you save people from getting hurt. If I lost someone from my family I don't think  I would ever be able to get over it" She told me, I then realized that voice was Kamia.

I pointed her in the direction to go and she thanked me and quickly left.

'If someone in her family died she wouldn't be able to get over it...' I thought slowly. I started thinking about my brothers.

'If they died I wouldn't be able to live with myself' I told myself walking closer and closer to the Nanbaka gates. That's when I realized it, I would be sad if my brothers died. I would blame myself for not doing something.

But I died, my brothers lost me. Oh god they blame themselves. What have I done? I started running to the Prison using all of my left over strength. I felt warm tears go down my cheeks as I finally reached the doors.

I knocked on the doors only to be greeted by the warden. She looked at me with wide-eyes as she called people to the door. It was everyone from cell 13 alone with Hajimi and Hitoshi. I couldn't help but put a small smile onto my face.

I jumped on top of them and gave them a huge hug.

"WOAH WTF WHERE DID YOU GO!?" I could hear Rock panic as I released them from my death grip. I just laughed and started to wipe some tears off of my face.

"Why didn't you just go out?" the warden questioned me, being able to see how anyone else would take the chance to run. Start a new life or kill again but not be caught as easily. 

"MY BABY'S BACK!" Hitoshi screamed jumping onto my like I did with him before. I felt something wet hit my shoulder and looked to see Hitoshi crying, crying for me. 

"I'm sorry" I said quietly they weren't able to hear me a few asked 'come again?'

"I-I'M SORRY!" I Screamed as more tears found their way rolling down my cheeks staining my face. 

"W-What?" Niko asked trying to process what was happening here.

"I'M SORRY FOR LEAVING! I'M SORRY FOR NOT TELLING YOU THE REAL ME! I'M SORRY FOR BEING SUCH A-A-A BITCH!" I screamed crying harder if that was even possible at this point.

"It's alright" the warden said with a small smile on her face. It wasn't a pity look either, it was a look of happiness.

"I-I came back because I realized" I said taking a deep breath trying to stop my crying. The rest of them were looking at me waiting for my answer. "I realized" I said pulling them into a little group hug, it got ruined when I felt a hand on my butt.

I quickly kicked Uno in the crotch, he then fell down but I kept going. 

"I realized this is my home, a-and I wouldn't change it for the world. Even if this is a prison, funny my home that I love with all my heart is a prison." I said laughing and heard a few chuckles from people.

"Just as good as my old home" I said again.

"What home Zero?" Niko asked me, he was hugging the front of me so he looked up.

"The home with my brothers, the home I was born in" I paused and looked up a little bit. "The home I was killed in" I told him, he looked at me with a shocked expression so did most people. Other then Hitoshi and the warden.

"Well I guess *sigh* we're glad your back" Hajimi said still not realizing who I was. 'You baka-taco how can you be so dumb?' I thought laughing a little bit.


Big brother"






















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