Chapter 1

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Lydia's anger was bubbling over, though this didn't surprise anyone, she was known for her temper and sudden outbursts. She was concentrating on the table she was sitting at, gripping the edge of it to keep from screaming out to the world. Everyone was sick of the law that had been passed a few years ago, one where your life depended on writing. A skill that didn't come easy to all, Lydia however was quite good with her words, when she wasn't shouting at a guard for dragging her into solitary confinement.

"I'm so done with this stupid law," she growled out to Draven whom was sat beside her. Draven, her best of many years, sat on the bench beside Lydia. Draven was desperately trying to get Lydia to shut up, it wasn't unheard of for the guards to take people off for bad mouthing their cause. Those guards were the biggest fear in just about anyone's life, they were the evil doer's in a world of good people.

Lydia took it to the next level when it came to pissing those guards off, she'd skip days every few weeks, though she'd yet to make it to three consecutive days. She didn't know what happened if you passed that third day, but she didn't plan to find out, she has a life ahead of her, well, sort of.

"Lydia, please quiet down, I understand just as much as anyone else here knows this sucks, but you don't know what could happen if they hear you." Draven quipped into Lydia's ramblings, throwing her off. Draven was usually quiet and fairly reserved, it was just her sweet nature that contributed to her traits, especially when it came to being confronted.

"You can't spend your life trying to protect me from problems I bring on to myself Dray, there's no use for it. You're my best friend, basically my sister even if it's not by blood." Lydia said, her green eyes hard as she looked at her friend. They understood each other for the most part, but when it came down to things like this Lydia was the stubborn one, while Draven was the civil but critical thinker.

"I know I can't, I don't try to but you can't go on like this. You bring unwanted attention to yourself and me, it will get me caught up in this Lydia! I get that this is the only time we aren't writing but you can't spend it ranting and raving about something that won't change." Draven forcefully spoke to her, her voice picking up in speed as her own anger consumed her. Fighting wasn't something she was ever a fan of, it was pointless to fight about something you won't remember five years down the line.

"All we have are these twenty minute breaks for our meals Draven! I can't take this torture anymore, it's going to end up killing me and the rest of us in the end!" Her exclamation getting a few tables harsh looks as they wolfed down their meals, trying to savor any moment they had here.

"You just need to work harder at keeping up with writing, it will get easier if you just keep writing instead of leaving wherever you seem to disappear to." Sighing Draven bit into an apple, trying to enjoy the small break while it lasted. It wasn't that Draven hated writing, she loved it actually, but it could be nearly impossible to do every day. Writer's block usually set in every few weeks, which usually featured Draven in a daze trying to think of something to write about before the guards caught her.

A boy sitting a few tables away caught Draven attention, he looked fairly new to their community. He was sitting alone, munching away at his food without taking notice of anyone else around him. "Lydia, who's that guy over there? Is he new?"

Lydia nodded confirming both questions she'd been asked, "He moved here a few days ago I think, they say his family died not too long ago." Pursing her lips she brought a bottle of water to her lips taking small sips as they watched him. "I think most would find this creepy if they saw two girls just staring at them."

"Doesn't he sit beside you when we write?" Draven questioned, picking at her food."Yeah, he'd nice but definitely the loner type in a group. He's a thinker that's for sure, all he does is sit there and types away, I'm surprised his fingers haven't fallen off yet." Laughing she looks away from him, "His name is Zakkery just so you know."

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