Chapter 6

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A/N~ Time for a wake up call! You'll see what I mean when you read further, so hows the story so far guys, you loving it or hating it? I personally find it kickass (Rose ^^) so obviously if you don't get out of here you ruuuuuuudes! Just kidding ^^, but seriously how is it? (We will be going over it this summer while we finish it!) MOVING ON, Jimmy CHAPTER SIX PLEASE! *Pulls the shiny lever of chapter six* - Kayla, and Rose


"Lydia, wake up!" Draven yells throwing a shoe at Lydia. "Today is gonna be fun!" She giggles and jumps out of bed.

Lydia whips it back at her, "It can be fun without me, I'm still tired!" she yells annoyed and rolls over staring up at Draven. "I hate that you're a morning person."

"Oh shut it! And you need to get up, we don't have to write!" Draven starts pulling the blankets off Lydia's bed. "I swear, you need to get up!"

Lydia groans and pulls her down by her legs, "Leave my bed alone you fool!" she growls and throws a pillow at her.

"Well I wouldn't mess with your bed if you simply got up when I told you to." Draven kicks the pillow back to the bed. "I bet Nik's already down there."

"Good for Nik!" She yells and takes the pillow into her arms, "Don't hurt my pillows!"

"Don't throw your pillows and you won't have that problem. And come on!" Draven yells taking out clothes for her friend. "What about this? Whatever you're gonna wear it anyways."

"You are a pain, I don't need you to pick out my outfits!" She sighs getting up from her bed and grabbing some clothes. "I'm getting changed in the bathroom so I swear if you come in there I will stab you!" She glares playfully and shuts the bathroom door gently.

Draven starts laughing quietly and looks from the bathroom door to the room door. "Oh hey Nik! What are you doing here? Oh here to see Lydia?" She yells to herself, hoping Lydia would hear. "I'm sorry but she's not available at the moment!"

"It's quiet rude of you to tell me things like that! He's not even at the door!" She yells to Draven smirking as she opens the door grinning, "Do you like my outfit?" she asks motioning to herself.

"How did you know he wasn't here? And totally." Draven rolls her eyes. "Braid my hair please."

Lydia rolls her eyes and pulls Draven's hair back, "Well it's not the first time something like that has been played by you, and what kind of braid?" she asks.

"French? And I don't do that trick that often. Do I?" Draven asks laughing. "And what if he really was here? Then you'd be the fooled one."

"Well he isn't anyway!" She laughs and starts the braid, slowly moving her hands. A small grin crossing her face, brightening up the room. "And not often but I have a fairly good memory to some things."

"I've only like done that 3 times!" Draven laughs defending herself. "Do you have a rubber band? This would be so much easier if they had actual hair ties!"

Lydia rolls her jacket sleeve up and pulls on a rubber band. "I'm so ahead of you Draven." She smiles and wraps the band around the ends of her hair. "See all nice and neat!" She clasps her hands together and looks at her work.

"Not my fault, and thank you Lily." Dray smiles feeling the braid with a light touch so it wouldn't get ruined. "Where'd you learn to do this anyways?"

"I read it in a book in school, way back when, I just remembered it. Plus it's classy yet seems simple enough." She runs a hand through her curls pushing her bangs to the side slightly. "You ready?"

"Ready, what do have planned for today?" Dray asks picking up her jacket from the bed. "Do you think they'd be mad if I cut the sleeves?"

"Even if they did get mad, who really cares it's your clothes." She fixes her own jacket zipping the front of it up slightly. "We have that big announcement thing or whatever it is, that's after everyone is up and finished with their food though."

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