Chapter 5

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A/N~ The duo tag team is back! You totally missed us this week, just like every week I mean who wouldn't? With faces like these we were destined to be missed! So how was the wait? I bet it sucked, I hate waiting as well so xD! Onward Jimmy role up the story please! - Kayla, and Rose


"I wouldn't joke about your death you idiot!" She growls angrily at Draven her dark brown eyes shooting daggers at her, the tension in the room rising make the boys uncomfortable.

"How about we don't yell at her while she's going crazy!" Zak yells picking up Draven off the ground. "It's going to be fine Dray." He whispers to her.

"I wasn't yelling you pompous asshole." She sneers and gets up walking out the door, slamming it shut behind her. Taking off to wherever she could to get away from that room.

"Nice one," Nik scoffs and gets up looking at Zak with an angered expression. "they're friends, they fight leave it to them."

"How about, you two stay here and manage not to fight, while I go follow Lily!" Dray manages to mumble while pushing herself up off the floor. "What are we going to do?" She asks herself looking at the ceiling, and falling back to the floor.

"I am going back to my room, seeing as you girls need to sort this out and I don't feel like dealing with Zak." Nik says casually and leaves the room awkwardly closing the door behind him.

"So, I guess I'm staying here with you for right now." Zak casually says while moving over to the bed.

Nik pops his head back in, "Don't lay on Lydia's bed she'll kill you in your sleep, also don't look for her she's upset." He slips back out and walks down the hall.

Looking down, Zak stands back up and moves to the floor. "Where do you think she went?" He asks Dray.

"I should go follow her. Zak, come with me?" She asks looking into his eyes.

Without saying anything else, Zak stands back up and goes to help Dray stand. They slowly start walking over to the door, only to see Nik standing at the end of the hall.

Lydia was long gone by the time they got out of the room, she didn't feel like dealing with the stress that was going to break her. She needed a break to some place no one would find her without going out, somewhere hidden and she knew just a place.

Lydia runs through the halls silently moving as fast as she could without someone catching her or hearing her outside her room. Climbing into one of the backrooms she opens one of the cabinets and climbs inside closing it behind her, she pushes through the extra things they had in there.

"Nik? I thought you were going back to your room." Zak states while walking over to him. "Or did you just care about me too much?" He jokes.

"I was slowly getting there some people like to think you know, and besides who is here to catch us out of our room?" He questions chuckling lightly as he keeps walking down the hallway towards their room.

"Maybe the guards on the 3rd floor. Help us find Lydia?" Zak asks while tugging Draven's arm. "Draven would really like if you did."

"Just let her be for now, I have sisters trust me leave her alone for now. She has been stressing over you both and thinking of plans so you can't even imagine how hard it is for her to deal with drama on top of that." Nik says softly patting Zak's shoulder firmly, he lets go and walks off headed back to their room to sleep.

"Go with him Zak, I'm just gonna go back and lay down." Dray mumbles and drags her feet down the hall to her room. She looks back to see Zak following her. "Just go, I wanna be alone." She slams the door shut.

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