Chapter 3

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A/N~ See I told you to move on, then again I could be insane you never know with me. So how are you all? Answer my questions! *Eye roll* How rude of you! Well here's chapter three come find out what happens to the girls! - Kayla, and Rose


The head guard grabs Draven by the arm, and basically drags her to the main building. "Now I'm going to ask you again, what were you doing not writing, and where did you disappear to?" He shouts quietly while looking around.

"I... I was sitting outside." Draven whispers, tearing her arm from the guard's deadly grip. "I couldn't think of anything to write, so I snuck outside, and sat by myself for a while."

The guard starts to laugh mischievously, "I know that's not where you were. You were with another girl as well. Now, you can tell us who you were with, or you can be punished for you and her." He grabs her arm again. "Mayor Oswald will have fun with this tall-tale." He laughs to the rest of the guards.

The mayor steps out of his office, looking at the guards and girl before him with a slightly deranged look in his hazel green eyes. "Whom do we have here men?" He asks nasally.

"I'm Draven." She says before a guard could speak. Draven looks up slowly making eye contact with the mayor.

"Well, leave us be guards I'll talk with Miss Draven privately." He nods to them ushering Draven into his office, sitting back behind his desk he waves her over to sit in front of him.

Draven starts to walk over to him, making sure to walk as slow as she could. "So, what's gonna happen?" She questions taking a seat.

"Well, your punishment will not take place. I know the horrors everyone shares about them, you have up until this point never had a day to yourself, a day with no writing so I believe that one day is far to you." He states charmingly and fills some papers on his desk, thinking over the current situation.

"Though I must ask, who were you with this lovely evening? I know you won't tell me but an old man can wish can't he?" He chuckles looking up at Draven calmly.

A completely disgusted Draven looks away from the mayor. "In all honesty, I was alone. Nobody was with me, I didn't want the distraction of someone talking to or with me. I understand if you don't believe me, I just hope you know that I'm telling the truth." Lying right through her teeth, she manages a smile.

The mayor nods slowly, his eyebrows raised making his green eyes go wider. "Well, I know whom your friends are Miss Draven, and Lydia certainly seems capable of this sort of thing." He says looking her straight in the eyes, piercing into her soul.

Quickly filling with anger, she stands up. "Listen here. I don't know why you think you can just go and accuse my best friend of sneaking out, into an area that isn't allowed. You may think you know Lydia, but trust me, you don't. I was alone, Lydia when I last checked went to class." Draven spats.

"I can assure Draven, she did not go to class. She wandered around outside with you and my guards chased you both until they lost you for some time." He glares at her straightening up in his chair, a knock comes to the large cherry wood doors behind her.

"She didn't, maybe your guards hit their heads and saw double. I was alone!" she says screaming the last part. Right as she was starting to say something else, another knock echoes around the room.

The mayor glances to the door, getting up swiftly from his chair and answers. "Hello David, I am speaking with a friend of yours, Draven?" He states sounding more like a question.

"Ah, she's Lydia's friend not mine dad, but I have news of something important." He says urgently to him his eyes widen, taking a glance at Draven.

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