Chapter 4

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A/N~ Oh it's you again, don't ever leave!? Nope okay no you don't thanks for telling us, so welcome to chapter four! This share be quite interesting, what will happen in this chapter? Action I'll tell you that much, and some news! See you at the bottom Writers! - Kayla, and Rose


"Secrets, you can't just whisper you must wait till he's left the room." Lydia grins at Dray, a light blush gracing her cheeks.

"What? It's not like he has super hearing.. he doesn't right?" Draven asks almost believing herself for a second.

"Maybe he does, I'll just you know be super cool and read his mind like I so often do and see what crap he thinks about and if he can hear us!" She answers sarcastically and pushes Draven playfully. Nik pushes open the doors leading back to their rooms and the crowds poor out.

"That would be cool! I don't wanna leave dinner Lily!" Dray whines to her friend, she

slowly drags her feet behind Lydia.

"Dray we have the first free day ever tomorrow and as much as I want to enjoy dinner, which has ended by the way, I need beauty sleep just like you." She turns smiling at her friend.

"This place would be so much better if they had actual books! It's been 5 years since I've read one that's been to actual publishers!" Dray says sadly.

"I know Dray but it's our lives, just roll with it okay?" She wraps her arms around Draven in a tight hug. "Also I think he's hot." She grins and takes off running down the halls.

"I knew it loser!" Dray calls down the hall to Lydia. She starts making her way to her room, a small square that fits no more than 2 twin size beds.

Lydia sneaks up behind Draven and hops on her back laughing. "You're the loser at least I talk to my crush without being a tomato ditz!" She giggles and wraps her arms around Draven's neck lightly.

"Don't do that to me! You like just killed me. Anyways, don't you have to get to your room? Don't you have a roommate?" Dray jokes, she knows Lydia's original roommate got to leave this place since the age maximum. "And I don't turn into a tomato!"

"You can't see your face when you're around Zak, and the mayor told me this morning I could move in with you!" She squeals excitedly, "also my stuff is already in there so you can't say no."

"You're such a force! You know that? And you can feel when you start to blush silly." Draven says as she throws her friend off her back and hugs her. "I can't believe he allowed that!"

"What can I say I'm very persuasive, and I'm kind of afraid of what's going to happen tomorrow to tell you the truth Ray." She whispers to her best friend opening the door to their room.

"How do you think I feel Lily? I'm not as brave and strong as you are. Heck, I couldn't even stand up to the mayor earlier today. How am I going to take tomorrows news?" Dray says in a hushed tone.

"You don't deal with his punishments though! Speaking of which what is your's, I didn't get to hear?" Lydia asks softly pulling her into the room and shutting the door quietly.

"He said since I haven't taken a personal day ever, that he'll consider today a personal. But don't worry I did everything I could to make sure you didn't get caught. They just think I was out there alone. It was going fine, until David came needing to talk to Mayor Oswald right away." Dray started saying. "But I swear to you, the moment he saw me, he kinda like had this freaked out look on his face."

Lydia sat on her bed for a moment and looked at the floor. "Maybe they're up to something David was acting pretty weird before he went in, and it didn't seem like he came down for dinner either." She says calmly with a hint of curiosity. "Come on let's get ready for bed you can shower first if you want." She smiles going back to her normal self.

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