Chapter 2

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A/N~ In the first chapter, we forgot to mention that we are updating every friday, and if we have more than a chapter done at said time we post more. Get it? Good! So onward my trusting Jimmy (He's a unicorn just sayin, also he's ours so back off _-_) TO THE STORY! - Kayla, and Rose


Looking around making sure she was still alone, Draven starts towards the wooded area she just saw her best friend go into. Stepping closer trying to remember the steps Lydia had taken to get in, she sets her foot down crushing a twig under her.

She backs away quickly causing more of a disturbance and takes off shooting through the fields as fast as her legs would carry her.

"You!" One of the guards shouts out to her. Once they see her take off running faster, they begin chasing her to the main building.

Lydia's head perks up as she hears the shouts and the noises, crawling out from her oasis, she takes off running past the guards with great speed and stamina. Her long legs pushing her forward as she grabs hold of Draven's shirt.

"Say a word and I'll kill you Ray, follow my lead and get right behind me. I know a place we can hide in till they give up." She whisper-yells to her companion.

Draven closes her eyes for a moment and prays Lily is right.

Lydia drags Draven arm behind her, rushing through the vegetation she takes quick sharp turns leading the guards confused and lost from the others.

"Trust me on this please Ray, I know my way through this place in and out." She whispers clenching her friend's hand tighter and pushes onward, the noise had long since stopped from them and now only the guards can be heard.

Lydia and Draven start listening to the guards voices as they start calling out to the girls. "Where are have you two run off to?! Don't think that we won't find you!" His scruffy voice echoing through the area.

Lydia pulls on Draven's hand softly pulling a finger to her lips telling her to stay quiet. She leads her past the guards and back around to the oasis. "Ta-da!" She whispers excitedly.

Looking around Draven's face starts showing amazement. "What is this place?!" She whispers to Lily. "It's truly amazing."

"I know, I made it all myself! I brought in things from the main building and stashed it all here for when I talked about my plan with you, we could make a great escape through her." She grins moving through leaves and knick-knacks.

She sits on the edge of the creek that ran through the oasis, looking over at Draven she waves her over. "There's real fish and sea life in here!" She squeals softly.

"No way!" Draven squeals being overwhelmed with her love of fish. "How'd you get them here? I've only ever read about them in books." She asks as she moved over to where Lydia is sitting.

"They come and go as the year goes on, these ones are new and it seems they had babies while I was gone today." She laughs pointing to the little baby fish swimming about in the creek following their parents and crowd.

"Awhhhhhh." Draven says amazed. "So what exactly is your plan? Breaking out of this prison?" She laughs jokingly.

"Well, I plan to pack a backpack for me and you, maybe even one for Zak if we can get him out that is. Then we head north for a while until we reach a base camp I made a few months back. Remember when I missed two days in a row and no one could find me, well this is what I did in that time?" She grins mischievously and pulls out two camping backpacks and shows her the things she packed inside for them.

"Wait. You're serious?! I was just joking Lily! There's no way in Hell we'd be able to get out of here without being caught. I'm the noisiest person ever." Draven starts to say before pausing a moment. "Wait, you've been... out there?" She asks while pointing south.

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