Chapter 9

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A/N~ Hello! How is this story going so far with you guys? Just want to make sure you like it and how you feel for it and the characters ^^ So I hope that we’re doing a good enough job with this story seeing as we’re doing our best, we are working on more than just this so keep that in mind! Read on! - Kayla, and Rose


Ignoring Niks question, Draven looks over at Lydia. “Do we have to go? What if… well what if they aren’t gonna do anything to us.” She whispers and looks at Zak’s already pack bag. “Because this might make them angrier.”

“Yes I’m sure. Look, I got us into this mess and now I’m gonna get us out.” Lydia says firmly throwing Nik his bag. “Is everyone all packed and ready?” She asks picking up her and Draven’s bags.

“No, shouldn’t we at least find out what Mayor Oswald called us in for? Maybe he doesn’t care what the guard saw, he might not even know yet.” Draven mumbles looking over at Zak and Nik to see if they agree.

Zak looks up at Dray and smiles weakly. “Dray, who knows if the mayor is mad. He might not have been before, but he most likely is now.” He looks back down at the floor, “And we don’t know what he would do to the both of you, so shouldn’t we just go so we don’t have to find out? Lydia has a plan… right?” he asks, looking unsure.

“I always have a plan with about six back ups to cover our asses.” She winks and fixes the straps of her bag, “We’ll leave now and go as far as we can, it’s late and it’s doubtful that they’ll search all night. And Draven he probably knows and he’s coming now most likely so, that’s run.” she opens the door silently and shuts it again quickly. “Maybe we should wait a few minutes.”

Nik raises an eyebrow but says nothing as he takes a seat to wait. “So mastermind what’s the hold up, and the plan?” He asks casually and leans back on the bed.

“The hold up would be the guards looking for us, they're probably scouting the place before they check anything. And the plan is something we’ll get to later.” She presses her ear to the door trying to make out their footsteps.

Draven suddenly looks up from the ground, “Will I have to run?” she asks playing with her bracelet. “Because I kinda don’t wanna run and you told me that I’d have to stop being lazy.”

“Just stay completely quiet for a few minutes and I’ll figure this out.” She whispers tightly and bites her lip while she moves to a different spot to listen.

“Well then.” Dray mumbles and starts walking to the closet. “When did you two last clean in here?” She asks looking at the mess. “It honestly looks like someone’s trying to cover a dead body with clothes and paper.”

Nik groans softly and throws a pillow at her, “Does she ever stay quiet when you ask?” Nik questions to Lydia who just glares and shakes her head.

“Lies, and I do stay quiet, just not right now because it’s disgusting in here.” Draven defends throwing her arms up. “How much longer do we have to wait? Because I’m sure they’ll eventually come here to look for us.” She whispers.

“Shut up!” Lydia snaps and listens more intently, the sound of retreating footsteps met her ears. She holds up a finger and cracks open the door a little and peers out to one side and sighs. Opening it a bit more she looks the other way and motions for everyone to get up. “Let’s go.”

Zak looks over at Draven and gets up to follow Lydia. “You didn’t have to snap you know.” He whispers so only Lydia would hear him, "If we're gonna make it, it's not going to help if someone's angry."

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