Chapter 14

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A/N~ Welcome back! :) We’re sorry that we haven’t posted in a few weeks, we’re just trying to get these chapters to the very best they can be. Enjoy this twisted chapter. ;) - Kayla, and Rose


“And you’re sure that’s what happened?” The mayor asks again, hatred filling up inside him. The short, stubby guard before him quivering slightly, the unwavered fear evident in his composure. “You’re definite that it was him?” He spat at the guards, whom we’re standing by idle but their eyes showed emotions hidden inside.

“Yes sir, we saw Jackson Edwards along with Nadia Wolfe, we spotted them with the girl in question.” He answers surprisingly calmly, his eyes not meeting Grayson’s. Wringing his hands together, his palms sweaty knowing that he’d be angered.

Grayson narrows his eyes and turns to look at a different guard. “Wood! Go get Jackson in here!” He watches as the guard rushes out the door, he always finds it amusing to watch how frightened they get.

The other guards waiting around the room, their guns kept at their sides. Watching as the other, Emison, came walking through the door dragging Jackson alongside him. The left side of Jackson’s face was turning a soft shade of lilac as the bruises were forming, his right eye was already starting to swell.

“I assume you know why you’re here. Jackson the guards have told me an extremely interesting story about you, but I can’t help but wonder what your side of the story is. After all I’m a reasonable man.” Grayson says as he walks towards Jackson, a smirk appearing as he notices the bruises.

“Reasonable my ass Grayson, you don’t have a reasonable bone in that fucked up body of your’s!” Jackson hisses out, his teeth clenched shut as he speaks. Struggling against the hold Emison had on him, walking toward Grayson only to be pulled back by another guard coming to hold his other side.

“That is not the type of language I’ll allow in this office, now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s your choice.” He spats walking closer so Jackson’s only a few inches away. “Now I think it’d be best if you’d just tell me what I deserve to know, but if you don’t think so, I’m sure Emison will have no problem helping me out.”

“I’m sure they’d all like to take a swing at me, and you can let them because I won’t be telling you a damn thing Grayson Oswald. You don’t deserve to know anything about where that girl or her friends are, you are a sick sadistic bastard with no sense of humanity!” Jackson spat earning him a punch the right side of his face, his nose beginning to bleed at the force.

“So you do know where that Lydia bitch is. You know, I think they said something about a guard missing as well. Hold on, her name.. what was it again?” Grayson mumbles pausing to see Jackson’s reaction. “Nadia was it? Isn’t that something I deserve to know?”

Jackson’s face stays blank, glaring at Grayson, his gray eyes turning almost black. “You deserve nothing good in your life except my fist connecting with your face until you are on the floor begging for mercy.” He spat at the Mayor, the blood running down his lips.

“I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that, because that hurt. Also because that’s what’s going to get you killed, and I kind of don’t want you to die just yet.” Grayson says looking back at the other guards in the room. “I want you to bring him into the other room.”

Emison and the other guard took Jackson into the door a few doors down the hall, it was filled with different knives and other devices. Jackson’s face never faltering from his unfazed facade.

They toss him in the room, “Hope you enjoy your stay.” Emison snarls at him and slams the door shut behind him. Taking the short walk back to Grayson’s office, “What now, sir?” he asks emotionlessly.

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