Chapter 10

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A/N~ Hiya, we’re back! So here is chapter 10 we hope you enjoy this one! We’re trying to catch up quickly with these, we’re a bit behind at the moment but don’t fret! So read on and comment, vote, and share! - Kayla, and Rose


“What do you mean you lost them?” Mayor Oswald yells at the guards standing before him, his eyes wide and unfocused.

 “Well… it’s not like we tried to lose them. They were in hallway ‘G,’ then when we went back a minute later, they were no where to be found.” The smaller of the two guards explains.

 “Isn’t hall ‘G’ where the boys rooms are held! I told you what would happen if Lydia got to them before you caught her.” He yells again, moving over to the larger of the two. Just as he starts to talk, he’s interrupted by a knock on the door.

 The mayor quickly checks who’s at the door and shoo’s the other guards away. "They did this to me dad.” David mumbles after the guards leave. “Lydia and her friends did this, more or less Lydia.”

 “Then what happened? Where are they?” He asks raising his eyebrow. “David. You need to tell me exactly what happened.”

 “They beat me and the guards down to size, and then she very aggressively told me to tell you about it or something, I can’t quite remember. My head's still spinning, I just need some rest before I tell you everything. The important thing is they escaped, that’s what they’ve been planning or something like that.” He told his father and slide down the wall of the office room, his head lolling to one side. The pain was unnerving and persistent around his legs and nether region.

 “You have to tell me what way they went. We can’t just let them get away with beating up some of my best guards and my own son.” The mayor softly asks bending down closer to David. “We can make them pay for this. Don’t worry.”

 “Okay, dad, can you get me a pillow or something? And some pain meds with a glass of water?” He asked carefully and pressed one arm to the floor keeping him up.

 “Sure. I’ll get someone on it right away.” He stands back up and walks over to the door. “Jer! Get me the medical kit right away!”

 David tried to keep his eyes open, he had a long day with dealing with Lydia’s group, and the work his father had him doing in the meantime. He barely had time to eat, sleep, or do any basic human things.

 Watching the guard walk in with the medical kit, mayor Oswald takes a deep breath and looks at his son. “I swear those kids are going to be sorry…” He mumbles under his breath, taking the medical kit from the guard. “Get every guard out looking for Lydia and her friends. Tell them she has brown hair and is stronger than she looks. Be careful.”

 The guards disperse, and some stay back to take care of his son, or to plan with the Mayor. Their retreating footsteps alerting the others whom were sleeping away in their beds, the commotion that the group caused was disturbing the balance that had once been.

 “One of you! Get everyone doing something, calm them down!” He yells pointing out the door. “We already have to worry about some kids planning on escaping, we don’t need any more. Got it?”

 They nodded and took off caring for the kids, and young adults trying to keep them calmed and controlled. Their annoyed reactions causing more of a commotion to the halls, the slamming doors and wandering kids wasn’t helping much.

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