Chapter 12

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A/N~ Hey guys sorry for the large delay on this chapter! A storm had risen and that caused some issues as well as a few other things, but no worries all is safe and well once more! So let’s get back on track to our friday schedule and read on with this bad boy! Sorry it’s shorter than all the rest it’s more of a filler chapter, and the next one will be some more drama and things, so excited!- Kayla, and Rose


“Maybe we should try looking for her, what if they didn’t find her? What if she’s out there lost freaking out because the guards could take her at any moment?” Zak questions, his voice rising as well as the color in his cheeks. The anger eating it’s way through, he needed to know where his friend, or rather friend of a friend was.

“No, she’s not a little kid Zak, she can handle this whether you believe that or not.” Lydia argues obviously not caring what was to happen at the moment between Zak and her. She was focused on finding her friend, she knew Draven would be fine though, she always was.

Nick slowly walks back over by her, his timid nature making him come across unheard. “Yeah, or she got caught trying to escape and is in the torture room we all love so very much.” He bluntly says earning a glare from Lydia, he shrugs it off and stands.

“Well thanks for the image Nik, aren’t you just a ray of sunshine?” She rolls her eyes and he glared at her, Lydia looks at Zak. “So, what are we doing, I think we should wait?”


Draven quickly looks behind her checking if anyone is following, she sighs in relief seeing nobody’s there. “Now for the fun part.” She mumbles continuing walking on what she thinks is west.

Slowly she brushes past a bush, her pants catching on a branch. Furiously Draven kicks her leg forward to try and get it unstuck, causing it to rip. “Well I guess these could be capris.” She says rolling her eyes.

Treading through the overgrown brush she searches for her group, though it’s not a lot of luck on her part. With the sky growing dark as the minutes past she figured it would be best to wait it out until morning came around.

Dropping her backpack Draven slides down against a massive tree, leaving scratch marks on her arms. She quickly unzips the bag checking to see if there’s anything that would help at the moment. Coming up clean she tosses the bag off to the side.

Looking over in the direction where she came from Draven sighs praying Jackson is keeping the guards busy long enough so she can find Lydia. She didn’t know how trustworthy the two guards were so she just hoped they weren’t lying to her back there.

She let her eyes close just so she could rest the night away and move on into the daylight. She only prayed it would come before anyone found her, more like any guards found her. She pulls some of the underbrush below the tree around her to hide her body from sight, turning over on her side she falls into a dreamless sleep.


David rolls over, covering his eyes as the sun streams into the window. His mind still a bit fuzzy from the night prior to everyone, he couldn’t really remember anything, and his head was pounding.

He couldn’t even think straight as he stares off into the room, a room that he doesn’t even seem to notice, the walls were bare as well as the rest of the room. There weren’t any decorations or pictures hung on the walls or sitting on the nightstand. It seemed like any other room, expect this was his, and he was just another no one.

He was the one they forgot on field trips or the one that was left out in group games, he just blended into the crowd to easily. He wasn’t bothered by it, really he wasn’t. He just didn’t care, he was just a pawn in his own father’s game.

The friends and memories he did have faded over time, and it seemed to be happening again. No one knew what was wrong or why he forgot certain things, it never fazed people though, they thought he was just forgetful.

Truth be told he just couldn’t remember, everything simply left his mind, names, faces, anything even remotely memorable. He only remembered himself, his father, and of course his father’s grand plan. David was just a bystander to these plans but went along with them anyway, who says no to their father?

“David?” The mayor quietly asks hoping he’s not waking up his son. He walks carefully making sure the floor doesn’t creak with his steps. “Are you okay?”

David looks up at Grayson, his father, his eyes glazed over slightly. “I’m forgetting again.” He whispers to his father and stands up, stretching his sore and very bruised muscles. Hissing in pain and grimaces as his father steps closer to him.

“It’d probably be best if you don’t move too quickly, you’re bruised pretty bad.” Grayson says looking down at his son. Pain fills his eyes as he looks at what Lydia and her group did to David.

He nods and sits back on his head, his head was still killing him and the throbbing pains weren’t helping. “I remember very few thing about why I got them or who or maybe even what did them.” He sighs and looks up at his dad, “Can I have some pain meds or something and an aspirin anything really?” he questions.

“Yes of course anything, and if you have any questions, just.. I’ll be here to answer them,” Grayson starts walking towards the door to get some pills, “like always.” he quietly adds.

David nods off slightly, his vision blurring as his head hits the pillow. The pain was too strong to keep him awake for, he couldn’t handle it. His father seemed to be taking years when in reality it was only about ten minutes.

His father walked through the door after a short while with a glass of water and a few pills in his other hand. A concerned look passing over his face as he looks at his sleeping son. Grayson leans over and places the glass and pills on the table and wakes David gently, his eyes darting around the room for the source of his awakening.

“I got you some pain medicine and some aspirin, and a glass of water. Did you need anything else, any questions?” He asks David who waves him off for the moment as he takes the pills, gulping the water down quickly before placing the glass down again.

“Why do I always forget, every few months I forget everything?” David was confused like anyone would be, though this situation didn’t seem too ideal for anyone else. “I remember bits and pieces, not much though, maybe five or six things if that.”

His father takes a seat on the bed, sighing lowly as David watches his movements. “It’s something we’ve dealt with all your life David, we aren’t to sure of all the details. You usually lose your memories about this time, so five or six months after the last.” He takes a deep breath and David’s eyes widen.

“So it’s not something that just goes away, I have to keep dealing with this?” David blurts out quickly, millions of questions coming to mind.

“Sadly yes, you’ll have to deal with it until we find out exactly what’s happening.” Grayson turns to fully face his son. “It will take a bit of time, but we can figure something out.”

“Well how long has this been going on, if you know how long they last in between losing my memories?” He asks shocked, was it his entire life thus far?

“It’s been happening for as long as I can remember, it happens when you endure too much stress or drama at that point in time. They can happen before those five to six months if you are going through too much stress. We are unsure what causes this and how to fix it sadly, and we are doing our best to find out answers.” He says trying his best to explain to his son.


A/N~ Well that was something different. xD What did you think of the chapter? David has more problems than people think huh? We know it’s not as long as they normally are, but the next few chapters will be better. Promise.- Kayla, and Rose

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