Chapter 8

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A/N~ Are you guys ready for this chapter? No? Well, alright if you don't want it I get that we cheated you out with all the cliffhangers! Just kidding you guys read on please! It will get better I promise! - Kayla, and Rose


"Lily!" Draven yells as Lydia quickens her pace. "I said you should run slower today!" She runs faster to try and catch up.

Lydia slows down and waits for Draven to catch up, "You need some good cardio and need to gain some stamina girl!" she yells and runs around her.

"Stamina is not my friend! I don't wanna run fast, I wanna eat." Draven says slowing her pace a little. "You do know I'm not as fit as you right?" She asks grabbing Lydias arm making her stop running in circles.

"Yes well I'm training you into the ground if I have to, you're lucky I brought snacks and waters!" She opens a small bag and hands Draven a water and an apple, she grabs a water for herself as well.

"Woah food!" Draven yells taking a bite of the apple. "When did you even grab this? I don't remember seeing you take anything."

"I keep things hidden around here, I replenish the bags every few days in the middle of the night so I don't get caught." She sighs and stretches her legs out on the ground. "You'll want to stretch before you run and do your exercises so come and stretch when you're done."

Sitting on the ground Draven eats more of her apple, straightening her legs in front of her. "Running is no, stretching is a no. Eating is a yes." She laughs trying to touch her foot.

"You'll need it for our little 'trip' I don't want you to be left behind." Lydia points her toes and stretches into the splits with ease.

So you're gonna make me run now, so I can run when I need to? And here I thought I'd just get Zak or you to carry me the whole way." Draven jokes placing her finished apple on the ground and switches legs to stretch.

Lydia laughs and nods happily stretching her arms and doing lunges. "It's not that bad once you get used to it." She states and does quite a few jumping jacks while she watches over Draven. "Point your toes, it helps."

"But that's just gonna make me have to reach farther." Draven complains pointing the tips of her toes. "Dude this is just harder isn't it?"

"Yes but it will help in the long run." Lydia drinks her water and places it beside Draven's side. "Now hurry up so I can help you run!"

"How far do I have to run? Like I guess I'm okay at sprints, but that's only I wanna beat someone or something in chasing me." Draven takes a sip of her water and slowly stands up.

"Sprinting is helpful for running, you need to build it up so start running laps, like right now!" She pushes Dray forward with a soft push and runs in place. "Come on Drew! I'll call you the opposite gender if you don't start!"

"Rude!" Draven yells starting to slowly run. "I already don't like this! Why can't I just be carried by Zak or something?" She mumbles keeping her pace steady pace.

"Just keep running and focus on your breathing, balance it out. Also drink your water as you run it helps a ton!" She hands Dray her water as she runs around her in a bigger lap watching her closely.

"Wasn't running and drinking water how little Jimmy died in 4th grade?" Draven asks trying to breathe normally. "Because I don't wanna die while running."

"That was a joke started by your's truly!" She smirks and runs faster while drinking her water to regulate her breathes.

"Then how did little... nevermind Jimmy did die, didn't he? Where'd he go?" Dray asks trying to open her water.

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