Chapter 11

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A/N~ Where the heck has Draven been?! She kinda just disappeared there. Haha. But the fun part is starting you guys!! :D Read on! - Kayla, and Rose


"I swear, if you scream you're going to wish your 'friend' was here." A bulky guard spats looking down at Draven. "The mayor is going to love this."

"What if I talk really loudly? Because I mean... that wouldn't be screaming." She mumbles and smirks. Draven watches as the guards anger grows making his face turn red. "You have to admit that I'm right."

"You need to stop being a smartass, just keep your mouth shut." The guard glares at Dray and continues to walk farther down the hall.

She takes a deep breath instantly regretting her comment. Slowly walking down the hall, Draven thinks of what'll happen with the mayor. Opening her mouth to speak, she gets cut off by the guard knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" Mayor Oswald calls from in his office, causing Draven to tense up. Shuffling noises come from the other side of the door sending chills down her spine.Opening the door, the hair on her arms standing up in fear as they walk closer to him, his eyes concentrated on the paperwork in his hands.

"Look what I found hiding behind a bush, hidden outside of the building." The large guard says pointing at Dray. "I looked for the others but couldn't find them, we have other guards looking for them tonight."

"I'm a person, not a thing. And what do you mean by others?" Draven says innocently looking up from the ground.

"Don't try to play innocent Draven, we all know you were out with you little friends. Now simply tell us where they are and I will see to it myself no harm comes to you." He glances up at her and smiles sinisterly.

"Wait... I wasn't by myself? Woah. I mean, I guess someone could've followed me, but that would be the only way other people would be with me." She replies smirking to herself in the process.

Grayson watches her smirk and shakes his head standing up straight, "Let's make this quick Draven, tell us where your friends are before we use force to get it out of you." he says blandly and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Well. Last time I checked my friends were sleeping, in their rooms. But since you said friends so nicely, I might as well tell you that some are eating, talking to one another, probably thinking of writing, or enjoying this day off. I have many friends so who knows where they all are." She smiles brightly.

"You know exactly who we're talking about girl. Now tell us where you and your friends were hiding outside, and what you were planning to do." He glares at her and steps forward, the guards at his standby.

Dray takes a deep breath and backs up. "Fine. The truth is, my friends are still in the building actually, I went outside by myself so you and the guards would think they went out with me. They're in their rooms I think, I honestly don't know because this building is so big with many rooms."

The mayor leans over and whispers into one of the guards' ears telling them to take Draven into another room, one meant for the torture victims to go in. His eyes trained on her as he spoke quietly with force, his eyes narrowing her out.

As the guard moves closer to Draven, she begins to lightly shake. "I told you the truth, you could be a little nicer to me right now." She mumbles wondering if she could make a run for it.

"Maybe if you had given the answers instead of lying to us and leading us off track we would be. Now take her away I cannot bear to deal with her or her little group just yet, not after what was done to my son."

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